People pick a side ‘China bad hurt durr’. They don’t care about juridics, or facts. All they can produce are thoughtless knee-jerk reactions. By the way, nowhere in my comment I supported an invasion or China in general. I said Ukraine and Taiwan are legally different situations lol
Republic of China If you’re gonna be an edgelord might as use collect nomenclature
garbage source
They have many of these where I live. The worst part is that the police will fine cyclists and scooter riders for riding on the road. So everyone is forced onto the sidewalk where scooters scoot between pensioners, kids, and mothers with strollers. What an idiotic backwards system. Peasants, give way to cars. Fudalistic mentality.
Communism is on the left, Fascism or on the right. Purely from an academic perspective talking about Red Fascists is like debating virginity of a prostitute lol
I’m gonna post mine. Hope you all flat mantits
Litter and litterers