Super fierce in his war helm!
Super fierce in his war helm!
I try to reserve judgement, mainly because I never wanted kids, so not having them was an easy choice for me. I can’t pretend to understand the biological drive to procreate, since I don’t feel it.
But yeah…I suspect a LOT of people who have kids (especially young kids) are very much burying their heads in the sand to avoid the reality. Especially as climate-related disasters start happening with increasing frequency. The horror of seeing collapse coming for their children will be devastating mentally - most people will lean hard into the cognitive dissonance to avoid facing it.
Have you looked into a local weekly produce box? I’m admittedly outside of Toronto so my access is a bit easier, but I’m sure there are services you can sign up for that would deliver. You don’t get to pick what you get, but it’s helped me to expand my cooking repertoire and I find the qualify and price is superior to most grocery stores.
On the one hand, I am loathe to mock or belittle people based on their physical appearance - it’s cruel and immature.
On the other hand, he chose to make this change and holy shit but does he ever look exactly like a glasses-less Milhouse, and it makes me giggle like a small child.
I want good icing, not that awful shortening-based shit you get on most commercial cakes. And to be honest, I mostly only want good cake too (ie, homemade or from a bougie bakery).
Yeah, I watch anything I want to see at home, in my comfy entertainment room. The last movie I saw in theatres was in late 2021, I think? And that was at a local, independently owned theatre. The big corporate ones are so ridiculously overpriced these days.
I don’t necessarily object to longer films, but my small-to-begin-with-and-now-middle-aged bladder sure does. Bring back intermissions!
Ahh phrenology, the most accurate of scientific methods for assessing not just gender, but criminality!
Honestly, it looks like you had some amazing success, so take pride in that. I’ve only been gardening for a few years now, and there’s been a lot of trial and error. Bien joué!
Fantastic! I love the “milpa” method you reference (I’ve always heard it referred to as the three sisters method). Maybe add some onions in future? Chives, green onions and garlic all make for excellent companion plants for some of the stuff you’re growing. And I always make space for herbs, especially perennials.
She’s lovely, and she looks so happy to see you!
It’s gorgeous, well done!
Toronto has a lot of homeslessness, but I don’t think Ive ever seen a homeless guy using a ruler as a splint on a leg bent the wrong way in Toronto. I don’t want to live in a place that does that to people.
This is a big part of why I don’t think I could ever live in the states. What a cruel place to live.
There is a real threat of harm to various minority groups living in red states. Hell, there’s a real threat of harm to women who can fall pregnant living in red states. I’d certainly not want to live there if my accidentally falling pregnant (which would likely be ectopic in my case) would result in a very high chance of my death.
I really appreciate that media (even if it’s pandering, whatever) is starting to show a much wider variety of romantic relationships. Representation is important, and seeing the gentle courtship between Burt and Irving was incredibly sweet.
In 1812 Madison was mad, he was the president you know. Well he thought he’d tell the british where they ought to go. He thought he’d invade canada, he thought that he was tough.
Instead we went to Washington and burned down all his stuff!
It’s perhaps not true/hard sci-fi, but I think Butler’s The Parable of the Sower and The Parable of the Talents are, uh, alarmingly prescient, considering she wrote them in the mid-90s and predicted a lot of the societal ills we’re struggling with now (including a fascist politician who promises to ‘make American great again’).
I’m working my way through both the Murderbot Diaries (just started Network Effect) and the Rivers of London series (just finished Broken Homes, though this series is more urban fantasy). Both and very enjoyable!
Hahaha, I’ll think about it (or, more likely, cajole my spouse into doing it for me)
What a handsome Torontonian!