Man I’d love to know how you could buy land so anonymously that even the government is saying wtf. lol
Man I’d love to know how you could buy land so anonymously that even the government is saying wtf. lol
Meanwhile I just ignore sms messages for a week, then respond, then ignore again with an occasional reminder I don’t use sms and signal or something else is better to reach me with. Only a couple people left to convince… The most stubborn of the bunch.
But yeah as others said, lying like that ain’t going to be good down the road, especially when they’re close people to you. Hope this doesn’t come back to bite you.
Dunno if anyone mentioned it, but if I had to guess, you have a DNS leak. Basically your DNS requests are going through your ISP instead of the VPN, resulting in them knowing where you’re going online anyway. Be sure to check for those DNS leaks and setup a custom one if your VPN doesn’t offer one. Don’t forget, DNS traffic over port 53 is also unencrypted, so unless you force those through the VPN, they could still know where you’re going.
Jerboa errored on sending this, hopefully not a double post:
I’m not sure when the last time you tested it out is, but I’m seeing a few things online about kernel 5.14+ bringing in a lot more support for eGPU, albeit AMD and not Nvidia. I could definitely see how that’d be a deal breaker, but it looks like if it’s not working with the newest kernels yet, maybe someone’s working on it as we speak? Fingers crossed!
Join the Linux club. You’ll never go back once you get the hang of it! Nothing in my house has Windows. Left it years ago and have had zero regrets.
Lol yeah I figured, but the very first thing that came to my mind was the generation slang so I felt the unnecessary need to comment on it xD
I won’t lie, I had to look at the comments and do a real quick search engine check to find out that the kids these days call the old FPS games “boomer shooter”. One hell of a way to remind me about my age by calling me a boomer for liking my childhood FPS games :(
I would argue a VPS is less secure than a trusted provider. Of course, the definition of what’s trustworthy is up to each person. The reason I say it’s less secure is for 2 reasons:
The belief that a VPN provider doesn’t help privacy is a myth. But it’s true that you can’t depend on the VPN being your only solution to privacy. There are more steps you must take beyond just a VPN, but it’s definitely a required step if you want to be truly private. As an analogy: if people said “drinking water won’t make you healthy” that’s not true… But it’s also only a part of what you need to be healthy and the statement’s only true if you ignore the other things you need.
Further on the privacy front for my personal opinion: I don’t think there’s a such thing as a trustworthy ISP with personal data since they definitely track everything you access and probably sell that data, but there are a few trustworthy VPNs who likely don’t do this. I’d rather take the risk in a VPN provider that is probably not doing what ISPs do, also allowing me to further enhance my anonymity online.
For me, I’ve been using Mullvad for about maybe 5 years now, along with a ton of other things I’ve setup for privacy. Haven’t seen a targeted ad in nearly that amount of time, websites always think I’m located somewhere else, and any data breaches I’ve been a part of where IP addresses are in the data are of no concern to me.
Be sure to also look into geo tracking. If the device you’re using is wireless, chances are Google and such can get your exact location if you’re exposing your browser or software to geo tracking on the web, or if you don’t spoof your Mac addresses. How they do this: the Google maps vehicle that drives around collects the locations of wireless devices and their Mac addresses, so that when you have geo enabled, they can pinpoint you down to a very close lat/long coordinate.
I like having the internet and technology. It’s the abusive use of it that I don’t like.I am also one who wishes phones were of no necessary use. Why do I need a phone number to sign up to an online service? Why must I have an email address and internet access just to see what lab results came in from the doctor’s office? What use is my email address being “real” to some online community and services? I would be okay in a world where the phone and emails were just a nice thing to have and not required. I understand that everyone is saying “just turn off the phone, watch tv, unplug the computer”… But with how just about every company in the world requires this to even function, it’s a lot easier said than done. I think the real thing folks on surveys like this are looking for is a world where the internet, phones, computers, etc are nice to have but not needed to live a life. Or maybe I’m just unique in how I feel, dunno, just had to share my thoughts lol.
I’m using both Mullvad and AirVPN. I use Mullvad for my network connection so all outgoing traffic is over Mullvad, who I trust. AirVPN on the other hand, I use for only port forwarding for personal services and hosted game servers. I haven’t actually had any trouble or concerns with airvpn yet, but I also very cautious and skeptical with everything I use. That being said, I have zero Internet slowdowns with either service, but I also use the Wireguard protocol.
Been using rss for years now. It’s always been the best way for me to filter into only the news I care about, way Lee political drama. That being said, I use nextcloud news so I can read and sync on multiple devices, as well as listen to podcasts that use rss feeds.
I’m not going to lie, I was a big skeptic from day 1 when the only thing we got was a title of the game… Up until the latest gameplay direct. I’m actually now looking forward to this. Still cautiously, but I’ll probably pick it up after watching to see if it plays on Linux through steam without any issues. My opinions on games tend to not match a lot of other reviewers in general so I’ll probably go with what I feel on it at the time.
Man, still need to go finish the 2nd. I stopped playing after a game breaking bug was encountered that was never fixed… Didn’t want the start the entire chapter over and never got back into it to finish it. Once I do eventually do that, I might get the 3rd when it releases.