I don’t know if we’re still doing the beans thing or not, but I’ll upvote the baked beans gaming dice because they are awesome lol
I don’t know if we’re still doing the beans thing or not, but I’ll upvote the baked beans gaming dice because they are awesome lol
I’m like 95% sure it’s probably something I’m doing wrong lol
I haven’t owned an LG product since they made flip phones and now I guess I never will again lol
Imagine buying a washing machine for $800 and being told it comes with a monthly subscription fee… I’d rather go wash my clothes on a big rock down by a river
I remember my password but it won’t let me log in anywhere else besides this app on this one device for some reason
The theme from DuckTales. Also the song “The Moon” from the DuckTales video game on NES is especially good
Why don’t they train them to fly there sober? That seems like the responsible thing to do…
You mean their precious official app didn’t get better once they destroyed third party apps??? What a surprise!
I’ve just quit using Reddit completely at this point. The only time I go on there at all anymore is if a specific post is the best result when I’m searching for something
I have these glasses! I bought them on Amazon!
But do they have a Pinkberry there??? I’m guessing they dont…
Hmm… not so impressive sounding now, is it?
I had never heard of Michaelmas before! I’ll never look at blackberries the same way again now!
You mean cozying up to human traffickers and literal Nazis and limiting people to reading a handful of tweets per day didn’t convince advertisers to invest??? Who could have imagined that?
I don’t believe he’s going to sleep as well as he thinks. If he dresses up like that he’s liable to be visited by three spirits during the night who will teach him the true meaning of Christmas.
The fact that it’s currently July would make it all the more unsettling
I see some coward has added a play button to it… It’s not really Hamster Dance unless it plays on incessantly at full volume while your parents try to figure out how to make it stop
The guy in front looks like Dan Aykroyd
I have to put everything on Imgur and share the image URL. It’s been weeks since I could post an image normally.
People have been talking about this for months now, but no one gave a shit until publishers and celebrities started being affected
4500 students housed in one building and 94% of them would not even have a window to look out of…and he seems to think it will be like “being on a cruise ship”
That should end well
I think what he means is that everyone he knows is better off than they used to be, and all this chatter by the nameless riffraff of poors is irritating to him…
What a dick.
What is this? It’s from a video game?