As an Android user… Lolwut?
I haven’t used T9 for years either.
As an Android user… Lolwut?
I haven’t used T9 for years either.
No worries, someone found me the site it was originally on back in 2017 but lost it due to a total drive failure and only started looking for it again recently.
I’m guessing no luck?
It’s easy to see what he is.
I can give you its name too: End of the World, Part 1 and End of the World Part 2. It was a basically a Final Fantasy clone/attempt that I thought when I was younger was pretty good. Can’t remember much about what made it unique though aside from a hidden stick figure fight right outside the castle.
I remember a small RPG maker game that I no longer can find on the web, let alone anything that used to be hosted on FreewareFiles or Raymond.cc…
Would you believe didn’t bother to start with it?
Same with Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad.
Not for edgy, cooler than thou reasons, hilariously enough. Didn’t have the time between bringing my cybersecurity education up to date and learning about hacking and stuff, and never bothered going back for them.
I would if I was still allowed on Facebook.
I actually originally had one of those, gave it to a friend, who got rid of it to another friend… Reason I got rid of it myself was how difficult it was to customize it any.
Let me guess, English isn’t your first language?
I don’t mean literally dragging around, I meant it figuratively. But you did make me laugh a bit so a point for you.
Why drag it when it’s on my back, where it should be?
Maybe in your part of the world, it’s $5.
In mine, it’s $25, starting price, and the sales are never on the ordering apps so you’re paying full price for everything. Added to the fact I live less than ten to fifteen minutes away from a grocery store, with deliveries taking upwards of 4 hours to arrive, there’s no point in taking advantage of them.
A day bag may also be an option but I would also like to be able to fix it if it rips or tears.
How well would you rate its ability to be sewn of ripped? Does it seem like it can be hand sewn if need be?
Country of origin and ethics don’t really matter so long as it holds up. I’d like to be able to fix it if I can or add patches to make it look more unique so materials have to allow for hand repairs/“enhancements” as needed.
Didn’t call you a liar. I said don’t spread misinformation. There is still a free teir, whether you are able to use it or not is another story.
And yes, that actually does sound crazy. Especially like I said, I’ve been using them for several years and they’ve always have been responsive to me.
Plus your clear aggression is telling me that you’re clearly expecting me to rise to your anger, fuel it, and spin it back. Makes it harder to believe someone when they can’t have an informed discussion without blowing up and raging hard at them when I am not trying to get a rise out of you.
Considering it has been my main email account for just under three years now, no, not one bit. (@tuta.io)
I have never once had an issue with them. I made a mistake and they helped me fix it within 48 hours. So there’s clearly something you’re omitting that is preventing you from keeping an account open with them.
At the bottom of the paid features, there’s still a free option. Don’t go spreading misinformation now…
Space Engineers has done similar.
I’ve been trying to find one for my partner on AliExpress and not finding a single one.