2 years agoNORD have to sign off on them, they are responsible for their image. It’s still on them.
NORD have to sign off on them, they are responsible for their image. It’s still on them.
Can confirm. The future is broken
I’ve tried that one but I’m not a fan of the swipe to engage because I’m cack handed and keep accidentally up- or down-voating or bringing up the reply box as I scroll. I know other people like that interface though.
Is always a trap, just not necessarily the trap we expect.
if you’re taking about ff7, that might be down to square more than anything.
The comments of the article make some good points too. The premise is both more complicated and less interesting than the more we’ll received titles, and it just seems much less fleshed out.
Aww, she must have been miserable
Clarification, Google doesn’t sell the info itself, it guards that jealously, they sell targeted advertising. They say “we can make sure your advert gets to the people who want your stuff” to the ad companies and sell advertising space on that premise. The ad companies don’t know your political leanings, but Google does and makes its money by targeting you with ads relevant to that and other aspects they’ve identified about you.
Google/Meta don’t sell the info specifically because that info is how they provide their “unique” service.