I gave up on it. First trek I did.
Apart from many points already made in the thread for me the worst thing was the acting quality of the Burnham actress and some inclusive actors didn’t cut it for me in theirs quality and took me out the thing. It’s somewhat uncomfortable to say this because you get accused of all kind of things, but I liked many actors in the cast. I loved the cientific guy but didn’t like his partner (thought he overacted) I liked the asian badass emperor but couldn’t stand the spirit of the cello guy.
This is no mean as a disrecpect to them I just didn’t like it and when I read the scripts I liked them better than seeing them acted out.
It fucked sputh park. They didn’t know how to parody that.
I just bought a 23 ultra and am here to bias myself into how good a purchase it was so that I don’t feel bad for spending 1000 euros in a 512/12. I know it’s an ok deal but it’s also a lot of money. Lol.
Seriously Ive been always a note person and am used to the spen. Battery is a non issue now and the pics are awesome.
I was at the apple garden like 10 years back and still miss some things but I love the feeling of freedom of just plugging my phone to the computer and being able to start transferring files or doing stuff to the phone.
Super mega sons of bitches Super mega…sons of bitches
People call this “voting with your money”
This sounds like the first verse of a nursery rhyme
Can anyone just fill a complain?
I have a feeling we don’t do enough.
It must be something to protest legally as a hidden fee or something. I would put money in a crowdfunding for cases like this.
Citizens against apathy or something.
K, just did my part gonna keep lingering.
Do you know why dogs licks their own genitals?
Because they can.
Fair trade if you ask me.
Wow really young. Must’ve been a tough life after the pope thing
This is kind of what I was pointing at. Maybe I didn’t word my post well. English is not my mother tongue.
“You are doing the fucking boomer shit that kids are too sensitive these days”
You are an impolite person talking like that. I didn’t say anything about kids and know kids these days that are more balanced than many old people. I’m millenial, BTW.
“Be a tough guy”
I’ll be whatever I want, thx. Go tell some people to be what you like. Surely you sound tough with all that big words.
Emotional impact.
I too prefer non toxic interactions, but also try to not build and echo chamber.
That would’ve been nice, and such a good idea… Now fix SNW, I liked lower decks but now feels weird
I answered to another post.
I don’t know why everyone assumed I was chosing a side.
Actually I was trying to make a blank statement. I agree with you but I don’t think people who post that kind of posts you mention are tough at all.
There are toxic people being upset all around and being triggered because someone is defending their rights. I think we as a society should be more tolerant in general and stop dwelling in absolutes.
But that’s another issue. My point is that if the two choices are tough or vulnerable, give me a little bit of both depending on the situation. I wrote a personal example further up.
I didn’t say anything about cultural wars. I specifically avoided the issue in my example. Getting really upset because some wrote something is not a good thing for real life IMO, doesn’t matter who wrote what (provided it’s not news, of course). Part of a good society is the old adamant “I don’t agree with you at all but will defend your right to say it”.
We are constantly selling vulnerability as a gift, and I agree it’s important to be yourself and be able to show your emotions. what about people who know how to be vulnerable but not know how to be tough? Do you think that is healthy?
For instance (this happened to me) : you have a son and he breaks his arm, you are taking him to the hospital and he is crying and worried, he is only 8. You don’t know the extent of the injury, but it looks bad. You, as a parent, can calm him, even if you yourself are really scared. For me that is time to be tough. I can also show my vulnerability and tell the kid “I’m scared, I hope it is not anything serious” but in this case I find this showing of vulnerability a bit selfish, since you are adding to the kids angst.
As someone posted, being tough is not opposite of being vulnerable (that’s op’s fault, not mine) but if those are the options, sometimes it can be necessary to be tough.
By the way, I did cry once the kid was being taken cared of, and his sibling was with me in the car, and I explained to him that I was sad but confident everything would be ok.
I agree, but I also think there’s too much “vulnerable” nowadays. It’s important to be vulnerable, but it’s also important to be tough, mostly when there’s no big deal. “Some people on the internet are saying bad stuff and it triggered me and now my day is ruined…”
For me, it became too much with the identity crisis that actor had, such a not so subtle metaphor it felt like force feeding, and I just couldn’t buy the acting of too many of the cast (I loved some of them too) Even s03 was kind of ok, I liked having more trek. It’s unfortunate that it became a meaning to sell other stuff. I was there to buy equality, moral highgroung, positive outlook of the future and profesionalism.
I love star trek and wanted to like this for so much.
I followed it for a few seasons when everyone of my friends and forums were already criticizing it. But then it got to be too much and even I couldn’t stand it anymore.
Such a pitty but this is not the trek I came to love. I hope they have success but I really can’t stand the writing and am out off by some acting I won’t name.
Surprised they didn’t watch Luther.
Monk maybe of their taste, considering mentalist and poirot.