First video game I ever played
First video game I ever played
That game and sims busting out were so good. Great games with an oddly liminal feel to them
I do have a copy of this kicking around. It was my brothers and I never played it. I’ll have to give it a go!
I remember the day I got my worm light for the gbc. Everyone was peasants.
I can’t. I got lumbago
I’m also a new user but I enjoy the fact that this place is not reddit. I understand what you’re getting at, but the more we parallel reddit the more this place will just tumble down the same content hellhole reddit did. Why not enjoy the distinction and let the communities be what they already are… Communities.
I agree with you, in the long run will I utilize niche subreddits to read product reviews, recommendations or troubleshoot issues? sure. Will I use it for advice when working on my cars? you betcha…
But will I maintain an account, post, and doom scroll /popular or /all? Never again
Maureen Ryan’s Burn it Down is the book in question
9th gen Kindle Oasis. The metal body and contour is very nice to hold. I do wish I wasnt wrapped up in the Amazon ecosystem but the device itself is superb. Im a Pastor and college professor and I consume a lot of books through it, it’s nice for at home or in the office but it’s a bit cumbersome to just carry around.
I also read on my phone a lot as well because it’s always with me. Can’t do long stretches but it beats doom scrolling
Threaded comment trees make such a huge difference. I’m always reminded of how much I like them when I am scouring auto forums looking for answers to issues on my jeep lol
Zelda Minish cap, super mario bros, and some pokemon Gold. just been feeling the childhood games lately