What kind of circular logic is that? Muslims and Christians oppose LGBT because it’s against their religion. Stop trying to scapegoat and just blame who is really responsible…religion.
What kind of circular logic is that? Muslims and Christians oppose LGBT because it’s against their religion. Stop trying to scapegoat and just blame who is really responsible…religion.
I wonder why the PDGA didn’t release the survey it sent to all of its members concerning their stance on this issue?
I haven’t counted, but I don’t believe the 99% is the case 100% of the time. I do think there is always 2-3 breakdowns.
I don’t remember where, but I remember reading that 80% was the threshold that you should replace. At 85%, I think you are being proactive in replacing if you like your phone and it’s still working well for you. I would do it.
Yes, it absolutely could have a tracking device in it. This could also be part of an alarm system or ignition interlock…but if you’ve been driving it without hitting the button, that doesn’t make sense. I would have a mechanic run the wires to see where they lead and remove it. It’s not factory
Very true. It seems like a solid plan to flush the current users and replace with more gullible ones.
Both are solid podcasts and I’ve never heard an ounce of leaning politically from either.
Very demanding job (it’s really like 3 jobs) with no real vision but are expected to meet goals that aren’t exactly clear with an absent owner and manager, making 50-70k/year. Super hard pass.
I guess it depends on your needs? What are you trying to accomplish? Is there a repetitive task that you are doing over and over again?
I had the exact experience with the same instance.
And for convenience sake, they will make it more sensitive so instead of saying “Siri” all you have to do is say “i” or “e”….or any other vowel.
Does it have a webcam? It’s Mac so probably. Do they not see an issue here or is this a bug and not a feature? Sure they will do their best to protect it, but how many 0 days do we have to see before we realize that software isn’t the best security.
And his supply was not as clean as he was advertising apparently.
I’m really enjoying Memmy. I know it’s in TestFlight and still has some bugs to iron out, but overall a good experience.
I think this is ok. It’s how the market works. If you have enough people who agree with your stance, then you’ll survive, if not, you fail. Transversely, if you are trying to make a profitable business, you remove all roadblocks from a consumer who wants to do business with you.
Thank you, didn’t know that.
I’m not super opposed for paying for a product or service that I use, but the cost they are asking is just too expensive for me. Not that I can’t afford it, but for the 16/month or 23/month for family doesn’t meet my personal value/service.
You’re not an asshole per se, because you are treating this news as a professional, future knowledge of her going to need time off. She was telling you this information not from a professional angle, but from a colleague angle of a more personal angle to be excited with her. She thinks of you as a friend and coworker, you think of her as a business associate.
You’re not the asshole here. He’s lacking empathy and sympathy with your situation. His line of questioning should be more steered towards “what do you need?” “How can I assist you” instead of “you are inconveniencing me”. Sorry you are dealing with this and I hope you stick to your guns and stay with your grandparents until they are ok.
A few MONTHS? I’d rather save my family the $250,000 the drug probably costs and just wonder around aimlessly.