It’s gotten a lot better. I’ve been getting back in to the game with some friends of mine lately. We do encounter bots every now and then, but one of two things happen. Either it’s a single bot that’s kicked pretty quickly, or a few bots join at once and we just queue up for another server. Either way, it doesn’t happen that often and we can still have a good time playing in pubs. If you play community servers, bots are basically non-existent. Definitely worth giving it another shot if you’re at all interested in playing again, the new summer update just dropped a few days ago!
I hope everything goes well during the visit! If she’s supportive, that’s already a great sign. Constantly explaining things can get exhausting after a while, but it’s definitely easier to handle when those questions are asked in good faith.
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but as someone who is really considering moving to Portland from the deep south, how is it? It seems like a really fun city, but it’s hard to sift through the propaganda with it being such a target for conservative media.