Is the chess community nice?
Is the chess community nice?
It’s been time for a rebellion for years, the populace just needs to collectively realize and acknowledge it
Gaslight all you want, it won’t help your cause.
I know who I am, I know what I’m about. It’s you that seems to have a problem.
Dude, I’ve had enough, get your jollies elsewhere.
You are attempting to get me to admit that the meat I eat is from the same factories that torture animals as an admission of guilt. I am not guilty, and I do not feel guilty, because unfortunately that isn’t how our society/economy works. I eat what is available and easily accessible to me just like millions of others. And like many of those millions of others, I just so happen to like meat. So yes, I fund the torture of animals, but I am as guilty of funding the torture of animals as someone purchasing an item on Amazon is of funding the torture of warehouse workers.
Just like everyone else, I live my life as best as I am able within my own capacity. I’m glad that you have the capacity to not fund the companies that treat animals so horribly. Someone needs to, and I hope that we can do away with them entirely at some point. But I do not have the capacity for that fight in my life right now, and I am not ashamed of that because I’m doing the best I can with what I have.
No, my argument for continuing to eat meat is “I like meat”. I haven’t made any statements about my eating meat funding the animal-murder machine because we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about how “everybody should be a vegan”.
Once again you haven’t really read what I said. But this time I’m not going to explain myself except to again say: you don’t know me, you don’t know my situation, you don’t know my station in life. You have no right to place these single-minded assumptions upon me.
Edit: you’re not the person I responded to initially, but my point still stands.
Edit2: Ah, I see you’re the one who started this thread.
I feel like you didn’t really read what I said. I eat meat because I like it. I have no desire to go out of my way to not eat meat. If I don’t feel like eating meat with a meal then I won’t. I have no internal struggle or “convincing myself that it’s ok”. I despise the way food animals are treated, like they’re not even living creatures, but I feel no guilt in eating the end result.
Frankly you have no right to make such assumptions about my character. You have no idea of my situation any more than I have of yours. If you can be a vegan and be happy, good! I’m happy for you. But I am not a vegan, and I am also happy. Saying “Everybody should be a vegan” is no different than saying “Everybody should run a mile every day”. Sure it’s a generally beneficial lifestyle, but it’s just that: a lifestyle, and it’s not for everybody.
You’re breaking the fourth tenet my friend, but I forgive you because I know you just want what you think is best for people.
Not everybody should be a vegan. There’s plenty to gain from eating meats and vegetables, and humans evolved to be capable of eating both. Some day in the future I hope meat is replaced with either fully synthetic or lab -growth meats simply because I don’t think any living creature should have to live the way food animals (I forget the word) do currently. But for now I will continue eating meat because I am just one man and meat is very tasty.
I read it as “busy futa”, I was like ‘what, is she doing her taxes or something?’
I agree with you, having a new but similar icon would be nice.
It’s tough because we’ve had “free” for so long of so many services. But I honestly think yes, as long as it was something very low like $5/month at most.
I am in need of an explanation, Captain.
Capitalism doesn’t work that way
We really were climbing those apes pretty fast, someone had to slow us down
It’s a whale egg
I feel like the free PS+ games have really gone down in quality for a while now.
You might enjoy “The Surge” 1 and 2, they’re souls-like in gameplay but in a more industrial-punk atmosphere. There’s also the “Darksiders” games, I enjoyed all 3 of them. They’re action-RPGs, but “Darksiders 3” is closest to a souls-like. “Remnant: From the Ashes” and “Remnant 2” are also very good fun.
Also found “arm” and “Sam”
Well sure, but if it was real it would be a horrifying way to die. I imagine akin to being burned at the stake in a way.
They fly now.