Win+V is one of the most powerful functionalities in any operating system IMHO. I use it every day.
Win+V is one of the most powerful functionalities in any operating system IMHO. I use it every day.
In an upcoming Windows build the printscreen key will also invoke the screenshot tool by default, though you can revert it back to the old function if you prefer. Handy!
I was an original backer and I’ve dabbled on occasion but I’m waiting for more of a tutorial and better technical stability.
Diablo 3 is always online and lets you pause in all single player modes. Always online isn’t the issue - the issue is games that are multiplayer only, like Diablo 4.
Typing JOSHUA in Terminate, the dialup BBS terminal client, to unlock the war dialer. It let you sequentially dial every phone number in a range and would record each one that answered with a modem handshake.
Shotcut is quite powerful, fully featured, and absolutely free.
Microsoft’s new ClipChamp is more user friendly and the most basic version is free, with some limitations.
Star Control 2. 4 musicians contributed without collaborating directly, resulting in many creative alien races having unique and memorable theme music.
The haunted jazz aesthetic of the soundtrack is so enjoyable!
I loved this game! The humour was my favourite part - very dry and very British. A fun shooter with a lot of variety. Amazing soundtrack by Jeremy Soule. I found the game very difficult, though - I doubt I ever got close to finishing it. How about you?
I was going to recommend ISDN as well. Also Orblivion by The Orb. Both are desert island albums for me.