no, i think of a weird-shaped elephant with ginormous tusks that curl almost into a circle
no, i think of a weird-shaped elephant with ginormous tusks that curl almost into a circle
nope. with the amount of time they’ve been down there so far and the volume of space inside the thing, they would have exhaled enough CO2 to have all at least lost consciousness if not suffocated
i have made a point of paying for music that i DJ with for over a decade. bandcamp as a website has been a huge part of that. it’s bloody amazing.
the ability to dynamically filter search results, if that’s at all possible (it’s not with lemmy’s interface currently)
personally, as one of the people who has come over from reddit very recently, i don’t really see it as being my place to comment on it and at any rate there are many other people saying the exact same as me anyway. screw zuckerberg, he doesn’t deserve to share in what other people have built here.
watch guardians of the galaxy part two and try to convince anyone that he’s not an important part of her life afterwards. it’ll be impossible.
just because he ain’t her father, that don’t mean he ain’t her dad
you’re really bad at being an ignorant troll, you know. your comment history displays a deep level of self-loathing, and that’s just sad to see from the outside. i’d say that i hope you feel at least a tiny, fleeting, fast-to-vanish sense of reward from seeing your hateful crap, but it’s pretty obvious that you’re not actually capable of the emotion. i feel sorry for you.
personally i’m loving the fact that they’re laughing at us in the mistaken belief that this can’t work and we’ll be back there before the end of the month, yet after a bit of lag and a couple memory overruns combined with some utterly HILARIOUS glitches they still don’t realise that the system survived its’ stress test and is in the process of being upgraded and expanded so that it can take the rest of the load (i’v heard that 20% of traffic has moved over, which is enormous) by the end of next week, we’re very easily capable of funding it entirely ourselves, and we know it
right now i’m having difficulty sitting still, waiting in eager anticipation for the horror to cross their faces when they realise that they have nobody left except for unironic trump voters. rekon it might even be the very last piece of entertainment i might get from the website
lmao the claim that telegram is failing, and i’ll admit right here that i don’t use it and am not interested in doing so, but it’s going stronger than ever now that the loudmouthed chuds that made it popular have gotten bored and the hardcore nerds are all who are left. telegram ain’t dying any time soon, i’ll say that much.
audacity. that shit was mature in the 1990s.