It’s hard not to see this as ignorance given how easy it is to look up the great safety record of these laws (i.e. right there on the Wikipedia page).
It’s hard not to see this as ignorance given how easy it is to look up the great safety record of these laws (i.e. right there on the Wikipedia page).
I feel that about the Fediverse too, despite being highly technical. Picking a server involves trust (e.g. that they won’t go offline and take your account down with them), but you’re just exposed to a list of servers with no idea who runs them. Plus, the server name shows up in your handle, so it affects one’s public persona and people care about that.
I’m on Lemmy through lemmy.ca which feels like an authoritative “Lemmy for Canada”, but… it’s just some random individual person who snagged the domain name. They seem great but I have no assurance that something weird won’t happen with it later.
Sleep Powder is the only one IMO. 75% hit rate and an expected 2+ turns of effect means it’s a good gamble vs a stronger opponent, plus it’s practical for catching Pokemon.
Well, that and Gen 1 Toxic + Leech Seed is pretty fun…
Mullvad is dropping support for port forwarding as of July 1st (a lack of which cripples torrenting), so this actually no longer a good option. I’m miffed about it since I just set it all up a couple weeks ago. I haven’t done my research to see if there are any trustworthy VPN providers left which offer port forwarding.
I’ve thought the same about containers in general (plastic, glass, metal): standardize sizes and sell goods in reusable containers. Buy your Oreos in a standard reusable container same as any other cookie, eat em, bring it back to the store for a deposit. Companies will hate the reduced branding potential of a cardboard sleeve around a standardized container, but… tough.