In the end, Razputin, aren’t we all just dogs playing poker?
I thought there was supposed to be increased spawn rate while the fire is in your line of sight?
What’s the gimmick here? Just smaller floors?
Oh yeah, Time Commando. Had the demo as a kid and I played it so much, thought it was the best game ever. The demo was just some parts of the prehistoric and roman levels, I think. Then years later I suddenly remembered it and picked it up on sale from GOG, and oh boy, did this game age badly. The cutting edge graphics for its time are just plain ugly today, and the gameplay is boring. My advice to you is stick to your memories but don’t bother with the actual game.
He’s 40% mural!
Turns out it was a problem with the Steam client itself, I think it’s because the steam:i386 package isn’t used anymore and it’s now steam-installer, but something with the steam update didn’t run correctly. After purging all the old steam packages and reinstalling from Pop Shop it started running again.