So it’s not just an unlucky mistake. Its not just a poorly designed deployment process. They ignored actual smaller scale failures.
So it’s not just an unlucky mistake. Its not just a poorly designed deployment process. They ignored actual smaller scale failures.
This interview it’s wild
Washington has fairly strong whistleblower protections. Even if I was disposed toward taking retaliation against somebody in that situation, and I’m not, I’d be very remiss to do that in the state of Washington.
Um wat
So is this what Mozilla meant when they announced a privacy push back in February
In short, yes, i support those other things.
… but back to the geo engineering are you saying that we aren’t on the brink yet? Are you saying its not that bad?
That I don’t understand why we’re not doing more of those two things. Geo engineering seams to have strong opposition even within climate activist circles, and nuclear power use is on the decline.
Disaster is nearing. Mass displacement. Mass starvation. Mass death. It is all imminent. Do you understand?
That sound really bad. So then I have a couple questions.
… if no then how could the consequences of that be worse then mass death and starvation?
It depends. It will not affect many of them until 2025 when enterprise support for v2 ends and by then other arrangements and fixes might be. Brave in particular I would not worry yet.
Something I often see missing from discussion on privacy is that it’s not always about you, the listener. Sometimes it’s about protecting the most vulnerable people around you. For example, someone escaping from domestic violence might have a different view on how their information is protected. People struggle to see the value in privacy because it’s not been a big problem for them personally or because they think it’s hopeless. An introduction to privacy in my view is all about teaching empathy, hope, and advocating for others.
Once they have that goal in mind, you can tie in how open source helps empower people to take back their privacy
See comment section
This goes way beyond fingerprinting for CSAM detection. local device hidden nudes is now a target for hackers.
This has nothing to do with the Files app, nor does it have anything to do with re-indexing of the Photos library. This has to do with fighting CSAM. Apple has started (in this or a previous update), to scan your device (including deleted files) for anything containing nudity (search for “brasserie”) and adding it to your photos library in a way that it is hidden. That way, anything that the models detect as nudity is stored in your iCloud database permanently. Apple is doing this because it allows them to screen for unknown CSAM material. Currently it can only recognize known fingerprints, but doing this allows them (and the other parties that have access to your iCloud data) to analyze unknown media.
The bug mentioned here accidentally made those visible to the user. The change visible updates the assets in the library in a way that removes the invisibility flag, hence people noticing that there are old nudes in their library that they cannot delete.
And speaking of deleting things, things are never really deleted. The iPhone keeps a record of messages you delete and media, inside the KnowledgeC database. This is often used for forensic purposes. Apple is migrating this to the Biome database, which has the benefit of being synchronized to iCloud. It is used to feed Siri with information, among other things. Anything you type into your devices, or fingerprints of anything you view are sent to Apple’s servers and saved. Spooky, if you ask me. But the only way we can have useful digital assistants is when they have access to everything, that’s just how it works.
Nudes are meant to persist on iPhone. You’re just not meant to notice.
Might be factoring in more than just state income tax. There’s also sales tax, property tax, etc.
Containers are a really cool part of security. The security provided will depend on how the container is configured. For example if you give the container bridged networking permissions (or whatever equivalent term is used by your solution) then you’re giving the container access to communicate with other devices on your local network. This would be the opposite of what you want to do to prevent an attacker from pivoting through your LAN.
Other threats just aren’t within the set of protections that can be provided by a container. For example if you wish to protect your Minecraft world from being griefed the container won’t have any affect on this. Another example is hiding your IP.
Basically what I’m saying is that whenever you are looking at a security technology think about what guarantees it provides and realize that no single security measure provides protection against all threats.
You’re basically relying on the security of minecraft, and your ability to quickly patch. The Log4j exploit is one good example of the kind of threats you might face.
Another is just that revealing your ip can open an opportunity for various forms of harassment. Lots of us skate by on obscurity and luck without to many issues, but that’s not a very robust solution.
Oh my goodness. I have to comment here because some of the advice you’re getting is a bit sus. Oh sugarcane farms, sugarcane farms. I’ve been building them for almost a decade. Optimizing them has been taking up room in my brain for such a long time.
First you need to know that sugarcane has 16 growth states. The block doesn’t show any texture change but sugarcane will over time receive random ticks and count up in state. Once it has fully grown only then will it create a new sugarcane block above. Crucially once the sugarcane block reaches it’s final growth state it doesn’t reset. So if you have 1 high sugarcane and you harvest it immediately after it grows 2 high that only requires one random tick. However if you wait to harvest it until it’s 3 high that would require 17 random ticks (which will take a LOT longer). This also means if you want to benchmark your farms you should wait until all the bottom sugarcane blocks are fully grown because freshly placed sugarcane will give you a very slow start.
Generally speaking there are two types of sugarcane farms that I see.
First, there are one-piston-per-sugarcane farms. Logically the two ways to optimize these farms are to break the sugarcane asap after it grows and reduce the resource cost. The farm you have right now is ok. You essentially have a clock that pushes the pistons periodically. Testing will tell you if you have the time dialed in, I’d suspect that a faster clock will be more efficient so that would mean moving the observer one block lower or even stripping out the current design for a different style of clock, but you would want to test to see how that turns out. The sugarcane can’t grow on the tick where the pistons are extended so eventually that will interfere with the farm but it’s not an issue until you have a fast clock going. If you want the farm to harvest immediately when the sugarcane grows, you either need an observer per sugarcane OR you need to use a budded piston setup. The budded piston setup the way I built it in the past would essentially mean that if you have 13 sugarcane you need 14 pistons + some other components like Redstone and 1 observer (IIRC). Sorry I don’t have a tutorial, no one makes these farms anymore since they added observers. Don’t worry about that because we can do more optimal than the one-piston-per-sugarcane farms using the second type.
Second there are slime-block/honey-block sugarcane farms. These farms push some kind of slime contraption across a field of sugarcane. They are a lot more resource efficient in terms of the redstone because the mechanical part of the farm can harvest a much larger area. Observers have made “sweeper” flying machines really cheap. 2 pistons, 2 observers, and you can build a sweeper made out of slime or honey blocks out to just short of the push limit in both directions. The key efficiency observation with this second type of farm is that sugarcane is cheap so don’t worry about how fast you harvest an individual sugarcane, instead figure out how to pack a lot of sugarcane into the farm. For example this design is pretty close to optimal. The main problem with flying machines is that it’s possible for flying machines to break on servers. This is a lot less common then it used to be as some bugs have been fixed. I think that this is much less of an issue today than it was in older versions so I think that if you want to optimize all of the best designs are going to involve slime/honey flying machines.
As a third consideration I think that your collection method can be optimized. Increase the random tick speed in your world and you will be able to test and iterate on your design much more quickly. What you will find is that sugarcane when broken likes to pop and glitch all over the place out of the farm. The pistons pushing sideways will from my testing cause more drops to escape than pistons pushing downward. This is another way in which flying machine farms are more efficient because the whole area needs to be covered in a collection system drops can only escape at the edges vs with one-piston-per-sugarcane you can usually only do two rows at a time.
In fact this brings us to the fundamental problem with optimizing sugarcane farms. As a certain point it’s just a matter of scaling up whatever design you find interesting at the moment. If I’m going to build a sugarcane farm these days the important thing to me is that the design is not boring. I’ve build too many sugarcane farms and so it’s nice to pick something that’s a bit different than what I’ve tried before. Scaling up will hide a lot of inefficiencies. My advice would be to take your current design even if it’s not perfect and figure out how to scale it up. For example instead of one line of sugarcane mirror it so that there’s two rows of sugarcane that way sugarcane that might escape will instead just land in the other row.
If this wasn’t enough information feel free to reach out and have a good day.
I think its supposed to be more like, the builders sent the protomolecule to terraform any planets with life. They are the filter. Earth escaped because the protomolecule unexpectedly was trapped by Phoebe. I am not sure the builders are hiding so much as paving over everyone else.
Seams to be pretty heavily biased toward popular tv-ma original dramas.
Health data protections should not just be limited to “covered entities”.
Which comment?