• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Just requested a refund from VALVe.

    Really wish i knew about this before buying the game, had a lot of fun, but i’m not going back to Windows just so i can play battlebit, really regret recommending this game to my friends now…

    And for anyone having even a sliver of hope, the devs don’t care about us, we only make about 1,6% of Battlebit’s Player Count and they have already stated that they will implement it in their game and thats non-negotiable.

    In the future they might implement linux support again, but as of now, i cannot in good faith recommend a game that restricts players choices and has an intrusive AC like Faceit.

  • When I was first buying a headphone because my old cheap gaming headset broke, I listed the DT990s in my list of possibilities, but due to me being incredibly dumb, the dt990s not having a detachable cable and the fact that at the time I didn’t have enough disposable income to get them, I decided to get a pair of HyperX Cloud Alpha IIs, I don’t necessarily regret my decision, but I’d rather I had bought an open back headphone instead of a closed gaming headset.

  • Only issue is that the cups aren’t super big so if you have large or very protruding ears they won’t fit.

    I don’t think that’ll be a problem for me, my ears are definitely on the small/flat side. I’ll await for the MM100s from Audeze first before deciding, but looking at the price and some graphs, I think the R70x will probably be a better fit for me compared to the DT 1990 PRO, as of now, I don’t think I can justify getting the Beyers since they’re double the price of the R70x for a, what I assume after looking at some reviews and such, not double the price worth difference.

    I just wanted to thank you for recommending the ATH R70x, if the MM100s aren’t accessible here on Brasil, I’ll definitely be going for the R70x :D

  • imaging and soundstage is important to you I would buy the ATH R70X over these any day.

    This may have sown the seeds of doubt in my mind, Soundstage is really important to me since i game a lot and having a good soundstage really enhances the experience for me. I’ll be sure to take a look at the ATH R70x, since it’s way cheaper than the DT1990 Pro here in Brasil, especially after tax (about 250USD of difference)

  • You can never go wrong with these, tbh. Specially the Sennheisers. I haven’t checked the AudezeMM100 reviews yet so I can’t comment on them. Just make sure you audition them first just to make sure they fit your taste

    Unfortunately testing them isn’t really possible for me, so I’m mostly going off waht I’ve read online. As t the moment in pretty much set on getting the Beyers, because I’ve read that they have a better soundstage and I like treble.

    The MM100s by audeze, as far as I know, are set to start shipping this month, if they’re any good, I’ll consider getting them if I’m able to, but, again, I’ll most likely go with the Beyers since I’ve dreamed about having them since I was in my first year of highlschool.

    Definitely valid concern. I have 3 hifimans and I’m lucky they don’t have issues yet. But I’ve seen a lot of people having issues with theirs. I hope Hifiman fixes their QC.

    Honestly, I’d buy a HiFiMan if I lived in either europe or the USA, but since I live in Brasil and I, most of the times anyways, buy my headphones through AliExpress, buying anything HiFiMan is a huge gamble since I can’t RMA them easily.

    Don’t worry about the K240 - I haven’t met anyone who likes them lmao.

    At least you like it, I think… Unless you’re some kind of masochist - and maybe you are given that you also spend, what I assume is, a lot of money on headphones, dacs and amps for the definitely real difference in sound that isn’t in our minds and totally justifies the amount of money we’ve sunk into this hobby.

  • When I was first buying a headphone for PC use about 3-4 years ago, I was considering the AKG240s, but in the end, being the dunce I am, I bought a pair of HyperX Cloud Alpha IIs, I kinda regret it now because they’re nowhere near as good as my S12s or my friend’s SHP9500, but I feel that, in the end, it’s a good(bad) thing I bought them because it started my headphone addiction. But I’d still like to have a pair of K240s :(

    I was actually considering going for either the Sundaras or the Edition XS for my next pair of headphones, but I got scared away by the infamous HiFiMan QC. For now I’m waiting to see if I’ll be able to purchase the AudezeMM100 here in Brasil or not, if I’m not able to, I’m probably sticking with the HD600s or the DT1990 Pro, altough I’m aware that the treble can be a bit too sharp on Beyers, but that shouldn’t be a problem since, if it’s really that sharp, I can just use eq to tone a bit the treble.