Still playing Tears of the Kingdom. I finished Kogas Quest yesterday.
Still playing Tears of the Kingdom. I finished Kogas Quest yesterday.
What? Why should a bad Movie harm the games? Resident Evil and Monster Hunter both have awful movies and the franchise does better than ever.
As a Fan of the Too the moon series, Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core I confirm that sad endings can work very well.
I already played the first World on Emulator just to check it out. Man, I need to try so hard to not play it more until release.
I played the Steam Demo and it was super underwhelming for me. The Animations are super stiff and there where a few bugs. Maybe all this is fixed in the full version but I doubt it.
The Kongs are in Mario Kart again!
Please Lord, give me a Pokemon Game that looks and feels like a 2020 and not a 2010 game.
Yeah but tbf at sales the DLCs only cost 0.99ct. So i think it’s fair for the content you get. I’m more afraid of Microtransaktions an Battlepasses.
City Game Studio, a game like Game Dev Tycoon but more complex, you can have multiple Studios etc. and there are some great mods. And i played Tears of Kingdom… Like last month and probably the next month.
The Majoras Mask a Terrible Fate Video is so impressive.
I hope the Mini Games are a little like Maplestory 2.
For anyone that wants to contribut and have some fun, use StreetComplete on F-droid.