thanks for your time Charlie
thanks for your time Charlie
Appreciate your time
Thanks so much mate, reach out once we got this fully setup if you’re interested in promoting whatever you’re doing through the platform.
Hey you have to use their blockchain to get short Session names, the name prancer389 isn’t assigned. What’s the long form numbers and letters of your account?
Edit clarify: By “names” I mean DNS, finding you. You can type anything into the display, just like twitter. But it’s not the real username
poll: do you think the devs of XMR should mandate p2pool?
You can add google push in a sandbox and get NFC
The article you’ve submitted was published yesterday so it’s not taking into account the bills being pulled. Also the website you’re posting has massive third party big tech such as Google.
But okay, let’s all upvote Saki’s copy paste of a URL and ignore mine done first with original and accurate info. Cool story bro
Hi, thanks for the reply. So with Mastodon, your identity is tied to a server which the admin can censor. If you own the server, then other servers can censor via defederation. This becomes an issue in the case that Monero is banned by governments and physical locations with IP addresses have to comply.
Instead, Nostr separates identity from physical locations through encryption. This allows you to own your identity like you’d self-custody Monero. This video goes over the basics: https://video.simplifiedprivacy.com/nostrtutorial/
thank you for support
Session not only is privacy but also free speech! It’s a huge problem that the government controls DNS or domain names that point to IP addresses. You don’t own a domain, they rent it to you.
Our team has developed software for a distribution bot using Session messenger because Session has blockchain based DNS on top of onion routed privacy. This video explains how it works: https://video.simplifiedprivacy.com/sessionbot/
Great job anonymous poster!
Ah thank you too kind. I was not expecting such generosity. This goes to the video animators:
Did you get Pay with Moon to work for bitcoin WITHOUT linking it to Coinbase account?
right on, maybe we can get a list going
thanks good idea. the r/privacy one is ruthless with take-downs, if you know the moderator let me know
thanks for your service
I am fairly new to this community, so I have no official say. But has Core considered distributing Monero binaries via Nostr, IPFS, Arweave, akash, Session, or other decentralized means? This would allow for more decentralization of staff and censorship resistance than a credit card government domain. Also could be both. just more options. And then different core members could do the different official channels, which would quickly raise alarm bells if Nostr has a different binary than getmonero.org
To clarify, it was meant to host with the geographic country restrictions you mentioned and NOT inside your home. Also to not put content on the server that is associated with your identity and pay in cryptocurrency. I hope that clarifies your objection
Yeah, we’re going to be doing a Simplified Privacy podcast starting soon. A mix of educational segments and interviews. And yeah like you mentioned mentioning Monero, but not solely focused on Monero