If we simplify 5e any more it’s gonna turn into Snakes & Ladders. And clearly OSR already exists, so there’s no need to change other systems.
If we simplify 5e any more it’s gonna turn into Snakes & Ladders. And clearly OSR already exists, so there’s no need to change other systems.
I’m gonna play it again from the start. A lot about the game will be new again and i want to get used to it from a humble beginning.
These are Aglets. I didn’t look it up, i watched Phineas & Ferb as a child.
Simply put, it implies a lack of regard towards the subject as human. Saying «Female» over «Woman», «Lady» or «Girl» invokes images of animals rather than humans.
Same goes for men, but its a lot more uncommon and sometimes actually a positive, as «Male» invokes virility. Its honestly a weird double standard.
Christ, how many times has this image been uploaded and downloaded? The compression is so stacked that half the text is unreadable!
Very nice! Are you using any mods at all, or is this pure vanilla?
Wait a couple of months. once the DLC releases, the game will have it’s 2.0 update, which will add in and change a lot of features.
As it stands right now, The game is great. I love it, then again, I loved it even with all of it’s Day 1 flaws. I completed the game on the day 1 build. It’s come a long way since then, and the 2.0 update + DLC is the most hyped i’ve been about any game since Fallout 4 was announced.
I loved Origins and Odyssey, but i agree that Valhalla was dull. I blame the setting honestly. Instea dof the beautiful fjords of Norway we got britain. and not the cool era like Syndicate’s Victorian era
Replying to this comment so that i can find it again later