This is some boringdistopia shit. Some bot damn near ruins a family and won’t even tell them why.
This is some boringdistopia shit. Some bot damn near ruins a family and won’t even tell them why.
Nobody cares about small subs until it’s your niche hobby sub.
Sorry to hear that. I enjoyed your communities.
Katy Perry was a riot-grrl indie-rocker before she became a pop diva.
I was excited for OW2 as well. I left because of locking heroes behind the battle pass.
Greed has killed Blizzard. They’re like Zerg Kerrigan… they look familiar but they’re corrupted to the core, and everything they do is tainted by it.
I’ve already done my mourning, but it felt awful at the time. Sorry you’re dealing with it now.
They could always pay the API fees and get ChatGPT to write some Reddit-like comments for them to report on.
Being a mod is a labor of love. If they don’t love it any more, they’ll leave. They’re currently trying to save Reddit from making that happen.
The execs don’t seem to understand this.
Might just be overloaded. Either way doesn’t look good for them.
This is a new low for R*. Many of the removed cars are the “street cars” which could be stolen for free by new players.
Trying to monetize 10yo base game assets… smh
Lol, Cruise claims their vehicle didn’t obstruct emergency crews, but police had time to set up a police tape perimeter around the car in the half hour it took Cruise to move the thing.
They couldn’t profit from it because of a bot. That issue is going to get more widespread and someone you know will be affected by it.