Well what did they say about him?
Well what did they say about him?
I’m really excited to see more OTA offerings coming to not just the NBA but sports overall. I don’t care if we get more ads to pay for it tbh.
Zion is having an interesting career
The Heat sub usually is either doomers or delusionals.
If you want actual discussion you need to go to r/nbadiscussion. They have rules that are enforced.
Chris Paul in the Kyle Lowry role that the Heat were using him in would be a good fit I reckon.
Honestly reddit.com/r/usenet was the best but we know how that’s going. You can web search but basically you pay for a provider, sign up for indexers who are like torrent trackers and provide .nzb files. You use either SABnzbd or NZBGet to download the actual files. Sonarr and Radarr are automation tools. There’s some other concepts like retention and backbones but that’s not as important to get started.
https://frugalusenet.com/ is a good provider to get started. https://www.nzbgeek.info/ and https://nzbplanet.net/ are good indexers for beginners. I recommend SABnzbd over NZBGet as I don’t think get is actively being developed for anymore.
https://trash-guides.info/ is very good for Sonarr/Radarr set up but it can be quite overwhelming for non-technical users or beginners.
I also just remembered cache exists so poke around https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ZU9NxnpPelwJ:https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/wiki/faq/&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
I gave up on torrents a while ago and just focus on Usenet. It cost money (~$3/mo for a provider and another ~$2-3/mo for indexers) but it’s encrypted and doesn’t rely on P2P.
Also don’t forget that DVDs exist if you want to go a more legal route.
This is probably the right amount. What he did was dumb but not half a season bad.
TBH I usually just search reddit soccer streams and something comes up. Just be sure you’ve got browser protection.
As a straight up move that would be bad for the Celtics
I don’t know how Discord became the end all be all for everything. Maybe it’s because it’s so easy to start a server? Either way as you said it’s terrible for searching and having asynchronous conversations.
I think Dame would be no. 1 on the wishlist but I don’t see Portland trading him unless they get a ridiculous offer. TBH I don’t know if Beal for Herro is that good of a swap considering Beal is about to be on the wrong side of 30 and cost $100M more.
Has he been linked there before? I know there’s been a lot of smoke with the Heat the past couple of seasons.
If you’re the Pelicans you can’t trade him for anything less than a top 3 pick or equivalent player and if you’re a team trading for him you can’t give up a top 3 pick or equivalent player. If a trade goes down one side will be fleeced.
If the Pelicans want to trade him they need to do after he has a good full season.
I can’t trust most reviews after Picard. It’s a symptom of the larger problem with reviews these days that I just don’t trust most names anymore.
You also aren’t reliant on someone else running an instance that could go down at any time, either permanently or an outage.
You have to worry about it yourself though.
I don’t see how that’s beneficial, sure his salary is huge but he’s still a decent player.