It’s for whatever you want to use it for. Personally I use it continuously. Googling and just getting a bunch of links to shift through is a waste of time and money.
It’s for whatever you want to use it for. Personally I use it continuously. Googling and just getting a bunch of links to shift through is a waste of time and money.
Oh yeah. Probably more.
Nobody said that about nfts. Maybe s couple of foolish kids and shysters but nobody ever took them seriously.
Or possibly it will help us solve the energy issues. It’s already lead to some revolutionary discoveries in propulsion and many other areas. It really is far more than something to chat with and to think otherwise is just silly. I use it to to code, brainstorm and developer with. Al systems can process massive amounts of data, recognizing patterns and improving their performance over time. This has helped things like the medical field immensely. Especially with early detection of cancers etc. Trying to be a luddites won’t stop it. Might as well embrace and extend it for the betterment of all.
Just ask it to provide links to back up it’s answers
I didn’t use it for those things but I do use it every day for a multitude of tasks. For myself I use it far more than Google itself.
People said the same things about the Internet when it came out and calculators before that
Toad in hole up here in Canada
Except the original COVID was literally killing 1% of the people that caught it. I lost many friends. Nobody I know died of the flu. Especially in the same year.
Most of Canada is RCS. Both major carriers support it
Withings. All the features without looking like your wearing a computer on your arm
My Nexus one did
People weren’t happy in the 90s they were angry and the music reflected that