Not entirely sure what the hell the article was talking about, there are already bonus editions that give you skins. Same as any other game.
Not entirely sure what the hell the article was talking about, there are already bonus editions that give you skins. Same as any other game.
It’s argued that Paul didn’t write Timothy 1. But beyond that, Paul was a false prophet, who took the good work of Jesus and twisted it into his own religion. I often ask Christians who they follow: Jesus or Paul?
But I am le tired…
Terrorists got us into a 20 year war that changed nothing. They drained our economy, and had a hand in lowering our rights via the patriot act. Terrorists win. We just have to be vigilant.
I miss AIM. The days where you would race home and log on to see if your crush would come on, and then inevitably not message them if they did. I had the cash register noise set to their screen names.
Did you migrate to AOL like I did? I remember downloading Ted Dibiase’s theme music off of WWE on AOL and fitting it on to a 4mb floppy. I thought it was soooo cool.
It’s not even the same for the rich vs poor. Let alone politics.
This link doesn’t work. Any chance you can link another?
This is a good article, but is says nothing about his position on subreddits going dark.
Make money and cut costs. Always the case.