Technically, no, as in the UK, you can’t steal electricity… you can only abstract electricity, which is an offence in its own right. (IANAL)
I’ll get my coat.
Technically, no, as in the UK, you can’t steal electricity… you can only abstract electricity, which is an offence in its own right. (IANAL)
I’ll get my coat.
I was so annoyed to get that email. Never using them again. Going to install a non-smart wireless thermostat, or maybe a HA install if I’m feeling brave.
This thread about the most northerly The North sign might be of interest, and possibly even help :)
We all try to forget!
That’s not quite true… just less than half of voting Conservative party members voted for him, preferring instead the steady hand of Liz Truss. Well done there guys.
I’m keen to learn what the other 20% are satisfactory about.
Maybe he thinks that more of his constituents are pro breathing decent air than pro driving smoggy private vehicles. I’d like to think he’s onto something.
Oh that is interesting, thank you! Shall check it out!
You’re right of course :) I guess I spend so much time IRL with traffic, seeing the virtual equivalent doesn’t spark joy.
I’d love a car-free option. Mass transit, bicycles and foot travel only would be a great challenge.
I’ve spent many happy hours playing the original… My only gripe is that it always turned into a traffic management sim. Yes there were other challenges, but traffic was always front and centre. (At least for my cities)
I agree. This website has been very useful and encouraging on my language learning journey.