• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • My question is how does this make economic sense.

    In Ontario my undergrad degree costs about 6k a year now. It cost 4k a year when I took it.

    How can the Province justify doubling the fees? Won’t that make people not want to go there and select somewhere else instead causing a reduction in the student population?

    I don’t understand how this isolationism thing will play out long term unless they encourage French-speaking Quebecois to have more babies (and they already do this) or unless they accept a lot more immigration from French speaking countries. Maybe they are doing this? I don’t know happy to be informed.

    I don’t understand how Quebec looks at other extremely isolationist cultures where the population is declining and there’s going to be some sort of crisis and goes “oh yeah, that’s what we want.”

  • I agree, but the path forward to get everyone else on board with socialized housing is pretty bleak. We can walk and chew gum at the same time, but we’re having issues hanging onto our socialized healthcare.

    I think we also need to re-think how we work and good work opportunities for people. We’re supposedly in a housing crisis but there is more than enough land in Canada. We need to disperse more people away from huge cities (and the green belt) in my opinion. There needs to be good opportunity elsewhere. I have no clue how we can do that outside of UBI or something.

    The extreme concentration of wealth is just accelerating and hurting everyone except the fantastically wealthy.

  • I agree with building affordable housing, however, I’d like to see controls in the plan to discourage slumlords from taking advantage of the relaxed regulations. I feel as though if this were to happen opportunists would build/renovate properties as cheaply as they possibly could to pass inspection and then extract every dime out of them while not maintaining them.

    For this to work we would need to dissuade these opportunists AND have a functioning Landlord and Tenant Board, which we do not have at the moment.