• 18 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I feel like this isn’t quite fair to math, most of these can apply to school math (when taught in a very bad way) but not even always there imo.

    Its true that math notation generally doesn’t give things very descriptive names, but most of the time, depending on where you are learning and what you are learning, symbols for variables/functions do hint at what the object is supposed to be E.g.: When working in linear algebra capital letters (especially A, B, C, D as well as M) are generally Matrices, v, w, u are usually vectors and V, W are vector spaces. Along with conventions that are largely independent of the specific math you are doing, like n, m, k usually being integers, i or j being indices, f and g being functions and x, y, z being unknowns.

    Also math statements should be given comments too. But usually this function is served by the text around the equations or the commentary given along side them, so its not a direct part of the symbolic writing itself (unlike comments being a direct part of source code). And when a long symbolic expression isn’t broken up or given much commentary that is usually an implicit sign that it should be easy/quick for the reader to understand/derive based on previously learned material.

    Finally there’s also the Problem with having to manipulate the symbols. In Code you just write it and then the computer has to deal with it (and it doesn’t care how verbose you made a variable name). But in math you are generally expected to work with your symbolic expressions and manipulate them. And its very cumbersome to keep having to rewrite multi-letter names every time you manipulate an expression. Additionally math is still generally worked on in paper first, and then transferred into a digital/printed format second, so you can’t just copy + paste or rely on auto completion to move long variable names around, like you might when coding.

  • Ok so it seems like they don’t commute? I asked the question in part because i wanted to do something like:

    const base_transform : Transform3D = <some transform>
    func get_base_transform(node : Node3D) -> Transform3D:
        return node.transform * base_transform
    func set_base_transform(node : Node3D, transform : Transform3D) -> void:
        node.transform = base_transform.affine_inverse() * node.transform

    and i wanted to be sure that if i do set_base_transform(some_node, some_transform) i’d be guaranteed to get that get_base_transform(some_node) == some_transform afterwards. But when i tried it the above code did not work out, at least i didnt get the result i expected. But when i flipped it so that set_base_transform did node.transform = node.transform * base_transform.affine_inverse() instead it did work out. Its still not hard proof though, maybe something else was messed up the first time, or it only looks like it works now and i’ll discover the transform still isn’t what i wanted it to be. Or they do commute but only under some constriction like no scale on any axis or something and i just happened to fulfill it with all the ones i used in my test.

    So it would still be good to know for sure whether/when Transform3D’s commute.

    EDIT: I accidentally wrote the first line wrong, it said that they do commute. When actually the experience i had with it working only after both functions did their multiplications in a compatible order should indicate that they don’t commute.

  • mayb having to write a tool script in godot to replace specially named empties form blender with instances of gameplay related scenes or sth.

    Why did I never think of that. My level designer is gonna be so excited if I ever remember to write something like that myself.

    I think this even has some direct support from Godot to automate it. The EditorScenePostImport class is supposed to be used for stuff like this i believe but im not entirely sure (i haven’t tried or had to try anything like this yet never mind automate it, i just found this while looking through the documentation on 3D scene importing).

  • I love fistful of frags.

    Ayy same, kinda XD. I loved it for a long time but the updates (for a long time now) are just really odd and I feel like the game has massive potential that it just keeps not tapping into properly. Nothing else like it really exists, the closest might be Hunt: Showdown but that is also a Extraction Shooter/Battle Royal so still really different.

    For map making you might be interested in Qodot.

    Ive seen it before but while it is probably easier im not sure if its a good idea. Fistful of Frags is horrendously outdated for the most part so i at least a bit want to try to modernise it. And going from blocky HL2 style maps with hammer to even blockier Quake style maps with Trenchbroom feels like a downgrade lmao. (But to be fair i haven tried it yet so i might be wrong there).

    I think ill try with blender for now. E.g. enabling snapping and quad view gets blender closer to hammer in feeling already (at least from what i remember from using hammer a bit forever ago). Otherwise i hope i can make it somewhat usable using import flags on blender objects and mayb having to write a tool script in godot to replace specially named empties form blender with instances of gameplay related scenes or sth.

  • What are you working on btw…? I assume it’s some kind of shooter and cock is in reference to cocking a gun…

    Nothing concrete, my dream would be being able to recreate/mimic Fistful of Frags in Godot. The reality is that i keep starting new projects trying to recreate parts of it (omitting stuff that’s hard and i know nothing about yet like multiplayer, animations, modeling etc.).

    This specific piece of code is from a current attempt where I’m trying to mimic the games movement and shooting closely enough to create a small shooting gallery like thing. And then use that to learn more about how to (possibly) use Blender as a map editor for it.

  • Is it dynamically typed tho? Its missing the return type of the function (which i left out because its only there to be called from a signal so it doesnt matter too much & because the Godot editor didn’t bother adding it when it inserted the function to receive the signal).

    But otherwise its already statically typed right? (COCK is a constant in the script that i did give a type and stream and play() are part of the AudioStreamPlayer3D node)