Dont forget stygian: outer gods and next year, Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss
Dont forget stygian: outer gods and next year, Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss
Mr kolakani, how did you get username font like that
Change password and use a password manager if you dont already - so hackers are only limited to one login
backups of books I have bought with ebooks…
Foliate on linux is a great ebook reader
(or KOreader on both androix linux - this setup allows you sync your page progress)
use anki instead if your looking for an alternative
incredible work!
what software do you use to make this?
you should swap Shazam for the open source “Audile” :
Debian Stable ± Flatpak gets best of both worlds
Settings / Audio & Video / Enable both: “Use HLS” and “LBRY HLS”
I’m guessing these are points to debate in class?
Wild if not
So this sent me down a rabbithole.
I can’t answer about exporting data but having just done some research the 2 best options I have found for a privacy focused solution (open source) are either:
Bangle JS https://banglejs.com/
PineTime https://www.pine64.org/pinetime/
For me the bangle seems superior - I’m tempted to get one!
Has to be organic maps.
I was a big supporter of OSM+ but its just too buggy to be reliable - My last trip it constantly said “keep left” when driving ( a topography bug apparently) And it has got the wrong route too many times.
Unfortunately organic maps relies on your phones TTS for voice navigation - and I can’t seem to get that working with grapheneOS (even third party TTS)
Pinta is a paint .net clone:
Its not aimed at sharing or peer to peer so I might be missing the mark - but have you looked at https://crypt.ee ?
And ritual: