That sounds awesome! You seem to be quite knowledgeable about mathematics. May I ask what is your background?
Hey, fellow stalker! VGarK here, your friendly neighborhood, sci-fi/fantasy fanatic, sh!tposting connoisseur, and avid imaginary girlfriend dater. Join me on the fun side of Lemmy!
That sounds awesome! You seem to be quite knowledgeable about mathematics. May I ask what is your background?
That makes sense, thanks for the reply :)
How would you separate the wisdom of the crowd from its stupidity?
We can defo have good things, but first we need to change our ways of behaving. For instance, I was completely addicted to karma, but reading the comments here I’ve come to understand that this is not a reddit 2.0, but something completely different with so much freedom and potential. This is an opportunity, for me and others, to enjoy a new concept of social network :)
Would you implement any other system?
Thanks for the link. To anyone that does’t know about Bayesian inference, do check it out!
Now I have an existencial crisis thanks to the video 😂 the funny part is that thats the same thing used to detect spam email…
I like that way of thinking, however, people could exploit that. Imagine you are in a chat about colour blue, then you say colour red is better. You get downvoted for having an opinion different from others. That would make people follow the hive-mind so their colour doesn’t turn red
Petition to make this happen 😂
What other methods would there be to find bad actors? Do you think karma does a good work on finding bad actors?
I think the idea of sacrificing your own “good boi points” to downvote a post bring a new layer of complexity. For sure, the hive-mind effect would be attenuated if users had to sacrifice their own “points”, and, probably, the downvoting as a whole would be less used. What do you guys think about how the use of the downvote would change?
I had no idea those existed… we should do one of them!
Not related to the subject at hand, however, I’d love to hear a lil bit more about your view as an anarchist. Do you think that is one of the reasons you are part of the fediverse?
This could work 😂 I’m giving you the wholesome award! 🦭
What is Lsashdot?
Thanks for those words :)
That is indeed my fault. I came looking for something to end the craving and the void left by reddit. I should rethink my approach and understand that this could go beyond my ego
What is that?
I loved the random monthly account banning 😂 I’d do it pemaban and hold a big event to decide the lucky winners~