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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • If only there was a way to distinguish between the artist and the art… but since both are always the same, it will for all times be impossible to enjoy the art of an artist that committed some assholery.

    Wait till people figure out what DaVinci, Rembrandt, Mozart, Picasso did and say when they were still alive, young, inexperienced and horny. Yes! Horny! Despite their talent they were ordinary people, young men with dicks! We’re going to have to empty the whole effing Louvre after finding out.

  • Question is, privileged compared to whom? Of course I do not want to be privileged compared to women, persons of color, whatever other part of society that I currently might be privileged compared to because I am a white man. But that should not mean that I have to hand my privileges over so they become privileged compared to me. We should all have the same level. That’s what I thought feminism was about. If it is not about ironing out these privileges and leveling the differences, but instead to hand them over and turn the tables, I have the fucking right to feel like a victim.

  • Yeah, pretty much the same as men back in the days telling a woman to shut up because she’s just a woman. Now it’s white males who are told to shut up because they’re just white males. Same shit, different target.

    It sometimes feels like feminism and emancipation is not about freeing women, but to take vengeance for centuries of oppression on the white men who live today, regardless of whether they fit the pattern or not. It hurts to see that society does not seem to have learned from its mistakes. We’re making them again. This time only in the opposite direction.

  • Yeah, I think it still needs some sort of karma system because otherwise it would turn into another unmoderated and uncontrollable 4chan hell hole, full of off-topic spam and shit posts. I’m not sure if that’s what we want. I don’t think, moderators alone can handle that.

    Hah, I mean, we have GPT/LLM. We could use AI to filter off-topic posts and spam, and hand out karma… Just a dystopic thought that popped up in my mind.

  • Problem with a karma system, especially as it is handled over on Reddit, is that it will stifle dissent and promote circle jerking. You can vote controversial opinions out of sight even if they are totally valid but simply run contrary to popular opinions. If Lemmy got a karma system, it would have to work differently and allow for a healthy discourse.