Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Finished hearts of stone last weak. Enjoyed the main quest, but felt much smaller than blood and wine. Love the new and „shiny“ are that came with blood and wine.
Sounds nice. Had any problems with banking apps and authenticatiors? If I remember correctly they sometimes made problems with custom ROMs (at least 5-8 years ago when I last used them 😅)
Feels kind of ironic that you need to get a pixel phone, made by google, to get rid of google.
The announcement of the Fairphone 5 was the starting point of my doubts to just get the next iPhone :D. First android phone with a really long promised update duration that I am aware of. Thanks for the tip with eos, will check it out.
So hoping apple is not selling my data, because they make enough money with their hardware sales?
This is at least a big difference in the business models of the two companies. Thanks for the input!
What I struggle a little to understand: How does the add business of google affect my privacy? Is not google also collecting the data for internal use only? If they would sell the data, everybody could also target adds like they do. As I understand it they sell add placement and allow the buyer to target a specific group of people, but without selling the data they used to create the profiles. Or am I mixing something up?
I think it is still worth checking out. I did not have spent much time in the finished game, but played the early access version for a while. Might be more polished an better now. And also back then it came close to the freelancer feeling, just was not quite there yet. Or maybe my memories are just better than the actual game was, they are about 20 years old now 😅
Replaying Witcher 3 for the xth time. So far only ever played the base game, now I look forward to the dlcs. So far I am mostly rushing through the main quest and am now facing the wild hunt at kaer morhen. Never before reached this state with so few side quests completed 😅.
Nice, this is definitely going on my list. Have not found a space combat game that got close to the level of freelancer. Everspace 2 comes close, but did not have the same spark so far.
This gameplay looks faster than I thought, but it looks nice. I only find it a little strange, that most enemies seem to be one shots. At least the players seems able to take a few hits. Are you usually facing groups of enemies in AC? Then it would make sense for the individual enemy to be weaker.
I think at the moment it really depends on what posts people will submit to this community. There are still so few posts, that they will not get buried, like on Reddit.
Yeah, great experience with headphones!
From the top of my head: It might be mainstream, but I liked the gun sounds in battlefield 1 and 5. Also I enjoyed the slow motion gun sounds in Max Payne 2 a lot. Call of duty modern warfare was also great back in the day. Don’t know how the newer installations are holding up.
Hogwarts legacy: I think I already reached the last quarter of the game and it is fun so far. The main story feels more like a side quest, but the world has the right feel that the books and movies left behind. Only the side activities become a little too much. I still keep finding new stuff I could do, but always in so many iterations that I already know that I will not do all of them. Why can’t there be just 20 Merlin trials that are fun and diverse instead of 100(?) that quickly become repetitive?