I do, but what is the snail going to do if it gets crushed by a brick?
Hiya! I’m Levi! Software developer, hobbyist GameDev and local floof fox
Blob.cat (@akatsukilevi)
KBin (@akatsukilevi)
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I do, but what is the snail going to do if it gets crushed by a brick?
Use a brick
Wait wait wait, hear me out
A snail
deleted by creator
Am I supposed to have Wifi driver issues? My laptop’s one always worked flawlessly without me having to even look at it
I haven’t really tested StarRail, but Genshin has been working flawless for months. Went from brand new account to finishing Inazuma questline and now getting into Fontaine with 0 issues(aside from one time where DXVK messed me up, but that’s due to my graphics card being a ancient relic XP)
Also, tip, don’t enable the FPS Unlocker. It says it makes you get detected by the anti-cheat, but I never faced this, but it seems to lag the game out? Like, with it enabled, I can’t even get near Dragonspire
Were you playing it by the time it launched? Back when Star Rail launched, it was quite tricky because they still were working on it, but nowadays it is going smooth and there haven’t had any ban reports in check logs 5 months
Throw the bible into a bucket of holy water
Watch as the paper dissolves
For a solid moment I thought this was a bot comment advertising something XP
Considering FNA and Godot, $100K is gonna do wonders to both projects, specially with the additional $1K
They might even better afford to have developers working full-time at the engines, or deal with stuff like infrastructure, licensing, hosting and other costs
I read it as ‘stitching’(as in sewing) and I was like ‘wtf? did it ripped apart?’
But it actually says ‘stichting’(with the ‘t’ before the ‘ing’).
According to wikipedia: A stichting is a Dutch legal entity with limited liability, but no members or share capital, that exists for a specific purpose.
It makes a lot more sense than ‘stiching’ tbh
“Sir, this is about financial inflation” was the first thing that popped into my head
EDIT: and now my brain threw the idea of a coin being inflated… i hate myself
If Lucas has the balls to it and not even try to hide, Lucas deserves it
I’ll not port my games to Linux! After all, my game is being natively made in Linux
This makes fandom much better by outright blocking the entire site and redirecting you to alternatives instead
If they have a proper wiki that is not a fandom one for the topic, it redirects you there, otherwise it lets you use a proxy like antifandom to access the data without going on the fandom website
Best part is that tomorrow is Wednesday, my dudes
Then throw salt at it. If it is immortal, might as well make it miserable