What is your source for this claim?
What is your source for this claim?
This is correct. They had to shove a ton of initiatives into the reconcilation to get anything done with Sinema and Manchin blocking everything.
And exactly how would Biden get anything through a Senate currently spilt between the two parties? You would need 60 votes to overcome the constant filibusters the Rs would throw up since this would not be a budgetary vote.
Last time I checked, there are only 48 Dems plus three independents who caucus with the Dems, for a total of 51. We’d need at least 62 to account for Sinema and Manchin, so expecting Biden to solve this is delusional.
That’s exactly it. Deleted my Instagram account when I learned they signed me up for a Threads account automatically. Haven’t used Insta in years, but Mark says I have to have a Threads account. So Fuck Zuck.
There are some roads I will not go down.
It is still my favorite, although Endwalker gives it a run for the money.
I’m a casual player. Joined when the big WoW exodus occurred a couple years ago. I was immediately blown away by just how obvious it was that the game developers deeply care about the players. So many small QoL features; what, you don’t dismount me when riding past a mob? What, I’m not locked into a class? And while I was a little put off at first by the lack of addons, I’ve come to learn that the stock UI is usually more than enough. My mental health is better now that I don’t see damage meters.
I’ve got a bit over 96 days of playtime. I’m doing a second play through with an alt because I’m addicted to the MSQ and the other Scions. That and I wanted experience again the emotional punch that is Shadowbringers and Endwalker.
Simple answer, you have to build your community. Start by searching #hashtags for topics that interest you. Hashtags are king on Mastodon. They can lead you to interesting people to follow. Next, start looking at your local and federated feeds to see who is discussing what, and follow those that interest you. Also, use #hashtags in your responses to make your stuff findable.
Hope this helps.
This is an excellent illustration!
I tried it in the past too and agree it was hot garbage. But I came across this thread yesterday and decided to give it another look. And I’m impressed, to be honest. It’s way better than it used to be. It’s strange to me that Apple is making one of the better music apps for Android, but here we are.