What you’re missing is some men legitimately hate their wives and children and dislike spending time with them. Others drank the coolaid of American capitalist propaganda. Your child will only be a newborn once and your wife will need the help. If anything you should be normalizing it by telling all your friends and colleagues how great it is and how happy you are to get to spend that time with your family. Never shut up about how awesome it is. Expound at length about the many benefits you personally enjoyed thanks to your time with your new child. Every man you convince makes the world a better place.
I mean to be fair the sheer amount of material most university engineering programs require these days makes spending significant time on specific problems almost impossible. They try to shove so much theory into your head they lose track of practical implementation. Basically everyone I went to school with complained about the lack of practical application relative to theory, and I studied mechanical engineering which is theoretically and literally chiefly concerned with hardware.