Thanks, Obama.
Thanks, Obama.
Was wondering the same thing
I see what you did there. 😅
Hi, the void here.
I care, and it sounds like you did have a real proper Linux experience. Good for you. =)
I fucking hate their advertising! Also I think all these “as cheap as possible, as fast as possible” stores are a cancer. The lower prices are not because they have lower margins, but because they pay the people who make/deliver your product less.
That does sound really comfy.
Pretty accurate. Although these impact measures also have a bunch of problems and many people hate how prevalent these “shortcuts” for an actual nouanced understanding have become.
Haha sure, it’s all a big conspiracy. There is some fuckery in some industries, no doupt. But that’s on the level of like individual medications for example and not all of germ-theory actually being wrong. 😂
“Hey, we already got that whole eating mushrooms thing going, what if Mario was actually literally tripping fucking BALLS in our next game?”
“Nah man, we can’t market that to children…”
“We’re just gonna call it ‘wonder seeds’ or some shit, idk”
For real though, any excuse for the teams at Nintendo to unleash their whole creativity is a plus in my book.
I’m not preordering out of principle, but the game looks great!
This was one of the main selling features for me (before I tried it and experienced all the other killer features). I’ve experienced a bad case of vendor-lock before where it was hell to export my data. So having it all available in plain text at all times is really reassuring.
Big fan of Obsidian. Especially for written notes. If you are working with a lot of images I’d give its canvas feature a try. I’m not using it personally, but I think it might fit the bill.
“Main character energy” is a great way to put it. If I came across someone wearing these I’d have some assumptions…
Isn’t it free if you’re okay with using it in light mode?
I mostly use the CLI but when I used to use PyCharm the JetBrain git GUI was the shit. The closest to it in a standalone program I’ve seen is maybe sublime merge, which is also great.
Reality and evidence were never really something they were concerned with…
Yes. “The internet never forgets” is actually a thing.
I like to have it set to “all” and “new comments”. There is some movement but its slow enough to be usable. Also posts which are very active are more likely to appear there but you still see some newer stuff.
I really hope the “hot” and “active” algorithms will be fixed soon though.
I was only lurking on reddit. Here I’m trying to help make the place feel alive by also commenting and engaging. So far I’m really enjoying the experience and I’m not looking back. Also yes, I feel like I do spend a bit more time on lemmy, but it might just be the novelty.
Man, environmental news is just one feel good story after the other. Like, is something happening or something? /s
Love the framing. Beauty in simplicity. <3