I like spaghetti westerns I like the way the boots are all reverbed out walking across the hardwood floor In fact, everything’s got that big reverb sound
I like spaghetti westerns I like the way the boots are all reverbed out walking across the hardwood floor In fact, everything’s got that big reverb sound
Oh good, i am just old.
Um, hopefully I’m just old and out of the loop. But does that hand gesture mean something else now? I wouldn’t expect to see that on a political news article.
Side by side, trying one after the other. I can tell they taste different. But walking into a place blind, and only getting one. I think it might be hard to tell.
Then better enforce the separation of church and state, to ensure they dont influence politics. I thought the reason they were not taxed was to ensure they didnt influence politics.
Thank you!
Is there a “out of the loop” for lemmy? I have no clue what is going on with jeans.
This looks like it is right up my alley. Thanks for sharing Shalafi!
This makes me so happy. I miss those college days on Fark.
Midwest holiday staple: https://midwestniceblog.com/brandy-slush-recipe-wisconsin/
It sounds weird, but I promise it’s great.