Wow, that’s a great image - getting Diablo vibes from it, beautifully eerie.
Wow, that’s a great image - getting Diablo vibes from it, beautifully eerie.
Haha wow, I can hear both panels of this meme.
Are you the hacker known as 4chan?
I went 4WDing in sand dunes in the United Arab Emirates with a bunch of American expats.
On one of the dunes I was on the outside of the car standing on the foot treads holding on through an open window. Part way up the dune the car started to tip, so I jumped away and luckily missed getting squashed when the car rolled.
It was a really stupid thing to do, and I got really lucky. Good lesson for me to have now I have kids - I have a more healthy respect for risk.
Guest editor, Noam Chomsky.
This is wonderful, thanks for making me lol
Same here, used Boost and tried most of the apps and agree on wefwef - I enjoy the experience most and impressed at the speed of updates.
In case you weren’t aware, development of boost for Lemmy has been announced - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rubenmayayo.lemmy
Yes, very interested in throwing some financial support behind this!
I’m a noob, can you elaborate?
This is very good. The problem is finding the person in my life to share this with that won’t cause offence.
Haha, this is a familiar sight - when my cat does this, he becomes incredibly brave and starts swiping at all the feet.
If you like vampire survivors, check out soulstone survivors. I’ve spent a bunch of time playing both and they’re both great side games to jump into!
Haha, these guys are bloody great. I visited Nambour recently (where I believe these guys are from) and I got cool quirky vibes from the town, kind of not surprised they grew up there haha.