Good tip, thanks! I might have to create an extra loadout so I can swap quickly at the end of the activity.
Good tip, thanks! I might have to create an extra loadout so I can swap quickly at the end of the activity.
Meanwhile, I can’t find the brainpower to play an instrument and form words at the same time. I pretty much end up drooling on myself.
Destiny has to at least be an honorable mention. Not trying to be a Bungie apologist, but the amount of content people get for $100/year is pretty outstanding, and the community acts like all they get is a ten hour campaign or something.
Is it Dreaming Spectrum? Somehow I got that on my very first run of Last Wish, and I think I pretty much put it on everything by default for the following year.
After procrastinating for literal years, I finally made a Stronghold build and I absolutely love it. I’ve been using The Lament with it so far, but does anyone have other favorite swords that they like to use?
Depending on how much you want to build into it, you can sort of accomplish what you’re looking for today. Behemoth Titans may be one of the easier ways to go since they can make shards on demand a couple different ways.
I’ve been rocking HoIL + Howl of the Storm + Tectonic Harvest. Whisper of Rending helps a lot since we’ll be using the scout rifle to break all the crystals we create, and Rime gives you a good chunk of healing on demand. Elemental Charge will let you gain armor charge often enough, and then you can add some surge mods.
You’ll definitely want to use LFG, at least. I found a couple people and ran through the mission yesterday, and it was challenging but doable. It took us a couple tries, mostly just needed to clean up some deaths during the boss fight. Pro tip: don’t die during a damage phase or you’ll lose your buff, and that’s a huge hit to your potential damage.
We didn’t bother with mics or anything, so if that’s something you’re concerned about, don’t worry about it.
I’m less worried about Lemmy becoming mainstream, and more worried about if it’s good enough for me. Right now, it seems more than good enough, and I love the fact that it’s not relying on corporate backing or ad revenue.
Mastodon seems like it’s approaching an inflection point, especially with the upcoming arrival of Threads. It sounds like Threads won’t support ActivityPub on day one, but with that support presumably arriving in the near future, I think a lot of what’s happening on the fediverse could be legitimized. I just hope Facebook doesn’t do the same thing they did with XMPP ten years ago.
For me, the more asymmetrical the better. I love stuff like the Millennium Falcon and the Outrider from Star Wars.
I’ve only played a few runs so far, but I really like that there’s a reason to stick together this time around. Clearing waves of enemies isn’t too much of an issue (hint: just equip Graviton Lance if you’re having trouble), but some of the spawn locations are annoying to throw from.