Did one for how your education/professional life will go!
You’ll be very happy with the results - this could mean changes, or it could mean the path working out - but you’ll be happy either way!
Did one for how your education/professional life will go!
You’ll be very happy with the results - this could mean changes, or it could mean the path working out - but you’ll be happy either way!
Rest of the year: cruelty from someone in position of power in the government. Unclear if that will be to your benefit or disadvantage.
Health: health has a very positive outlook. Lucky you!
Getting a general swift learning/progress vibe - whatever you’re aiming towards, you’ll get significantly closer to this summer :)
What the fuck? You’re already paying out the ass to get food delivered why are they shoving ads in your face?
In Bulgaria at least it’s very rare for anyone to strike. Hope our Romanian friends can get out of that mentality and get the pay they deserve.
You can upload videos and stuff which can have copyrighted sounds
I love this. Wanna see if any of them care enough to actually address it or if he fired the staff responsible for that too.
Tastes nice to me. Different taste innit
Idk what the problem is, just encourages socialising.
Yeah but (AFAIK) you’re a resident for only for 3-5 years (in most of the world) whereas junior doctors are when you’re 8-12 years out of med school. Pretty shitty. I could be misunderstanding this though.
Junior doctors are getting shockingly shafted for what I’d assume is a high paying jon
No worries, gives me something fun to do on a Saturday!
Past : reversed high priestess - reading this as you working hard to get to where you are, but maybe being at the beginning stages of your career?
Present: 6 of cups - even though I’ve pulled it for the present, card reads to me like you being ready to accept the good fortune that’s coming. Maybe take this as advice to be more positive on the job hunt?
Future: ace of wands - reading this as a new beginning, maybe creation and growth? Seems you’ll get there
Best of luck on the job search!