Nah, it’s 62 points
Yes, but it also only takes 1 Verstappen retirement to really bring things closer.
I don’t disagree that it’s a long shot at this point though. If Red Bull can stay in the mix for podiums (and Verstappen is always a threat there) his WDC is pretty safe with the lead he’s got now.
Fedora on lappy 486, Nobara dual boot on compy 386.
Might pick something else for compy though. Don’t really game on it with Linux since my games are Windoze only (iRacing)
Fair. Might be worth going through this process for those books that readarr doesn’t find. I’m using MaM which has most books already.
Thanks for this. Would be awesome to integrate this with readarr.
Nah, they were hacked, but they’re back.
I use oldtoons.world for most cartoon downloading.
This is also me. After Allo’s demise, I moved everyone to WhatsApp. Aside from being a Mera product now, it was a good choice.
Pretty sure the chains here in Canada don’t do matinee pricing anymore, nor a Cheap Tuesday. Just full price all the time.
I mean, look at how many sold out shows Garth Brooks played at Rogers Place. Midsummer, Swift could sell out Commonwealth multiple nights.
Pour one out for Google Reader.
How do you get LibRedirect to work on FF mobile? God I hate the Twitter mobile site experience.
Is Mullvad still a valid option with no port forwarding? I guess if you’re only on public trackers and don’t care about seeding it’s probably fine.
There’s a difference between a parody and a cover. Weird Al does parodies, this is a cover.