For those on iOS or macOS there is « hide my email » which is very well integrated. Otherwise simple login has great extension and can be self hosted.
For those on iOS or macOS there is « hide my email » which is very well integrated. Otherwise simple login has great extension and can be self hosted.
Genuine question, how do you know Indians jones flipped hard ?
I went on imdb and it is rated around 7 which isn’t bad at all.
Seriously ?
Cop are master at putting trap in the worst area possible, like where it goes from 110 to 90 then 110 again over 200 meters.
TLDR : it’s the best foldable phone to use closed. Google hardware quality (means you better be lucky if you buy one). Good software. Bad battery.
Pretty much what I think, it’s just bad marketing.
No one need 24gb of ram on a smartphone and only very few on computer.
Google told the BBC it’s up to manufacturers to decide how and when the emergency SOS feature works, even though Google is the one that developed it.
Corporate bullshit 101
No surprise from a company that announce to their employee they are fired by disabling their pass.
Bought a xcover 4s for this reason, 3 years later it ended up dying for absolutely no reason. Battery is fine tho, even bought another to make sure that wasn’t it.
When you can’t test voltage because you have no idea what it’s supposed to be, it makes any réparation absolutely impossible (other than something visually broken)
I’m bored that’s like the thousand time Google does something, undo it and make it again. Wake me up when for once they make a successful product.