Would also have been news
Would also have been news
Used to mean something else in the world of machinery and auto mechanics. Old school stuff. There is a screw that holds the distributor cap in place. A mechanic would loosen that screw and rotate the whole distributor cap very slightly, maybe 5° or so, the thing is round, so that’s a really small portion of a circle. So one could turn it clockwise or counterclockwise to advance or retard the timing.
He may be wrong in a structural sense, but he is making a valid point in a how things really work sense. The phrase “legislate from the bench” was coined for a reason. The concept of judgement notwithstanding the verdict grants some of that power to lower courts. It shouldn’t be like that, but it is.
He may be wrong in a structural sense, but he is making a valid point in a how things really work sense. The phrase “legislate from the bench” was coined for a reason. The concept of judgement notwithstanding the verdict grants some of that power to lower courts. It shouldn’t be like that, but it is.
Just one of the many benefits of letting the companies that own the media report on themselves. Worst of men, worst of reasons, etc
But if you could that is absolutely the first thing that they would try, turn it off and then back on
But three lefts do
Information tech people say we have introduced new measures and methods to guarantee compliance with our policies. And pirates answer challenge accepted
I think they are getting closer to else
Will Elon lose control of Elon? Seems like a far more predictable outcome.
If you add a pallet on the forks and another person to raise and lower it then you have a scene I have seen way too many times at various jobs over the years.
If you get wheels or tires that need a different pressure you have a few options. I have used a sticker in the glove box, open the glove box and put a sticker on the inside of the part that opens. Those temporary name stickers from an office supply store work, just write the info on the sticker with a marker. I would not cover up the factory sticker because you may want to go back to the original setup or sell the car at some later date and keep the aftermarket wheels or sell them separately.
The story will change depending on who tells it. I believe in Jesus, sure enough. But not the one that these people think they serve. Be blessed.
I just plain quit using Reddit. But I am an old guy. I have walked a picket line. When negotiations fail then for the average person to have any leverage against a massive system then the cost to return with no spelled out terms must be infinitely high.
These kind of unsolicited reports from users prove a really important point, and one that Spez and company would prefer to ignore. If you have good enough content people will pay for an ad-free experience.
I agree. I came over to check it out, like what I have found and I’m going to stay. Don’t miss the ads and the bots, this is a pretty cool place. If it were possible to send some sort of larger message to the money people at reddit, great. If they still keep doing what they were already doing, whatever. I’m glad I found this place.
He doesn’t just roll in Cheetos dust?