I broke it the same way years ago! And now I haven’t updated openSUSE Tumbleweed in 4 months and I know I won’t have any issues when I do, there’s no rush!
I broke it the same way years ago! And now I haven’t updated openSUSE Tumbleweed in 4 months and I know I won’t have any issues when I do, there’s no rush!
This looks very promising, thank you very much! I’ll try it as soon as I can
I did look it up, it’s great and faster than my layout for the big languages – German, French, Spanish and Italian – because the accented letters are on the third and fourth levels directly and not written via dead keys, but it’s harder to write most of the others like the Slavic languages (š, ů, ď, ł, ć, ̦ż, ą), Romanian (ș, ṭ, ă), Hungarian (ő, ű), Catalan ( · ), Azeri (Ə), Portuguese (ã), Turkish (ş, ţ, ğ, ı. İ) and Maltese (Ħ, Ġ). In EurKey each one requires Shift+AltGr+DeadKey+letter and a few are missing, while in my layout most of these require one less key. Of course this is not useful to most people, but I’m happy with it.
Dixie Dregs’ 1975 debut album “The Great Spectacular”, for some reason it is not considered a proper release, more like a demo, and is extremely rare in physical copies as well as online. Luckily I found what I believe is the only high quality rip in existance a couple years ago, it was a long search! Worth it, it’s their happiest and most delightful work, just half an hour of Steve Morse’s great and eclectic guitar work
Oh COME ON. Where was this when my laptop died a month ago? I had to replace it asap and the previous kde slimbook was already out of stock. I got a great tuxedo, but this one is the same price and much better specs… I have the worst timing. Great news for everyone else though!