90’s kid, ici on parle principalement de JV récents (Nintendo & PC / Gamepass), de retrogaming, ainsi que de quelques (re)découvertes, que ça soit des films (surtout Disney / MCU) et d’autres choses au gré de mes envies ^^.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Well, Analogue does not communicate that much. They promised a lot of features but did not deliver all of them yet (even 2 years after the Pocket release). It’s also difficult to buy their products, which attract the greed of the scalpers. And they generally rely on pre-orders, meaning you pay everything upfront 1 year in advance (tough this seems to change a bit, they have in stock the Pocket they sell now).

    Amazing hardware but poor communication, software (very slow to get any update), and frustrating to buy from.

    While I can understand the general « mood » about Analogue, I really love my Pocket, and I almost had all the features I wanted day one, so I do not complain.

  • Unpopular opinion here:

    I much prefer to play on Gamepass at the moment. From my personal experience, I will simply never have the time to play again to 90% of my games. It’s just impossible (even if I stopped playing new games today, I am not sure I will be able to do so before I die). Since it’s way cheaper to play this way, I don’t see the point of buying new games anymore (I still buy a few games per year, and just cancel my membership while playing them such as Nintendo games or games I really want to play day one like Cyberpunk).

    Besides, over the years, I built up an emulation setup with all the games I played (and old games I would likely play at some point, since I dedicate 50% of my play time to retrogaming). It’s not like it is necessary to own them to play them if you want a nostalgia trip a few decades after their initial release.

    Besides, the vast majority of those games will still be available in the future (physical copies, online stores, remaster/remakes, piracy, emulation). I believe it is unnecessary to own every single game in the fear of the being able to (potentially) play it once again in 10 years.

    I agree that the gamepass model will likely collapse at some point if it becomes too popular, but it’s not a problem to take advantage to it while it’s profitable and drop it when it’s not anymore (just unsubscribe when you don’t use it, which is what I do 4-6 months per year to play other games).

  • That’s exactly how I feel. I always felt different than the others, but couldn’t tell what was « wrong » with me. It was by pure chance that I started to look seriously at autism a few months ago, and it offers a solid explanation to … my whole life indeed.

    I don’t know « by how much » I am autistic (or even if I am really autistic to begin with), but reading about the insecurities, explanations, and solutions from autistic people helped me a lot to manage situations that were very difficult to handle in the past (and more generally, not being afraid to do things differently, which was difficult when I was not admitting that I am different, and that is not a problem at all).

  • I fight the urge to share too much of my own past experiences or knowledge by speaking to myself in my head during the conversation. I know it annoys people when I do this too often, but it’s so frustrating at the same time to remain silent that I came up with this trick to « unload my mind ». Took me too many years to come up with this solution to be honest ^^.

  • I felt the same a year ago when I realized I might share some traits described by autistic people. It was first a relief, a convenient explanation to most things I struggle with, and some “strange” traits of mine.

    However, a diagnosis is very difficult to get in my country (years of waiting, not even sure I would get it one day). I decided not to do it because I don’t feel it would change anything beyond the validation. I don’t consider myself as truly autistic since I have no diagnosis, but I keep it in mind when I encounter difficulties, and it helped me a few times.

  • I don’t have an issue with eating because I have pretty strong eating habits established (except I sometimes skip my 4pm lunch because I am too focus on my work). But it’s a very different story when it comes to clothes, especially because weather changes quickly where I live (even during the same day). I try to establish some rules linked to the weather, but I do not always do it very well (and it’s worse when I forgot to look at the weather, it’s not a strong enough habit at the moment).

    It does not bother me a lot in practice, but people tend to tell me something is wrong (hot and I have no shirt, or cold and I have a shirt).

  • Here is my secret: I don’t care if I miss something. It’s not a problem if you miss a side quest or intentionally skip something (especially if you don’t enjoy it, it’s an annoying side quest). Completing a game can be quite enjoyable, but as soon as it becomes a chore or you see it as a todo list, that’s where I personally back off.

    For example in TOTK, I really enjoy my time just exploring here and here. I didn’t like the abyss at first so I played 30h+ hours before starting exploring it, and now that I feel more confident, I am passing most of my time there (that’s why I have played 70h+ hours with only one dungeon completed 😅). I knew about a 4th power, but I didn’t find it until very recently. I was enjoying my time with what I got, extrapolating about what it could be, but it was not a problem not to have it.

  • What helped me a lot was to look at a single eye, and not be afraid not to respond immediately (just a quick « let me think about it » + break eye contact + take 5-10 seconds before speaking again). Not perfect, but it’s much more manageable this way. If it’s a meeting with multiple people, I also tend to not look at the other people immediately (it feels easier to me to look at others while I am already « reciting »).