Whimmy wham wham wozzle!
Could be, but the mailbox is from a company in Mississippi, and it has a flag on the side, which I’ve been lead to believe is an American thing.
The letter also has a standard prepaid postage mark used in the USA (though I don’t know how that works in other countries)
It’s most likely not OPs and is just a repost.
My guess would be that they may be more likely to get vaccinated, but that’s just a hunch.
Surprised you haven’t heard about them.
I’m using it, it still annoys me that I have to, though.
Also a premium subscriber, and I it’s definitely worth it to me (especially since it comes with music and I’ve got the grandfathered price)
The biggest problem I have with it isn’t even a problem with premium. It’s that it doesn’t deal with sponsor spots in videos.
Can’t plug an HDMI in directly, but if you already have a USB-C dongle it should work just fine.
No dock, but you can buy one seperately (or a dongle)
Is there a size limit on the bottles? Could I get the minibar equivalent of a ketchup bottle?
More importantly, does this stop the negative effect of falling from greater heights?