@slopjockey @BlueMonday1984 Vance concerns me more than Trump.
Software Engineer by trade, scientist at heart, homeschooler of STEM.
As a kid I learned assembly language so I could make my TRS-80 Space Invaders program run faster. Now I am one of the army of people that make the Internet happen.
“If man chooses oblivion, he can go right on leaving his fate to his political leaders. If he chooses Utopia, he must initiate an enormous education program - immediately, if not sooner.”
-R. Buckminster Fuller
@slopjockey @BlueMonday1984 Vance concerns me more than Trump.
@Wave afaict, they don’t have any more information than was already available in the NPD breach.
At this point if you are an adult and have an above-board job, you either have already frozen your credit reports, or you’re in the process of being a victim of credit fraud.
@muntedcrocodile @k4r4b3y The reason crypto in general is considered scammy is because BTC, ETH, and most others are simply not useful as currencies, due to LIMITATIONS OF DESIGN. Such as hardcoded blocksize, block transparency, and more.
Right from the beginning, people doubled down on their investments selling flimsy alternative theories than the simple design goal of “Internet cash”
AFAICT, only one serious project has had the engineering focus to make design changes as needed. XMR is money
@shortwavesurfer @antidarknet
On the one hand, marijuana clearly should have fewer restrictions than alcohol given the objectively fewer personal and social risks.
On the other hand, without marijuana prohibition, how will we ensure a constant stream of new anarchists in each successive generation?
@nihilist @makeasnek Monero is the world’s emergency safety valve against overzealous governments
@k4r4b3y I got thru #8 and they were all the same nonissue IMO – yes, it’s an append-only log like a lot of decentralized systems and yes that means it’s not inherently linear and that you can’t delete stuff.
I’ll look over the rest later
@k4r4b3y Oh yeah, on phone I used Manyverse. Big props to Andre Saltz if he’s still working on it.
Just throwing this out there – if I were taking up the task of censorship-resistant online community creation today, I’d probably focus on Matrix. It already has a very solid backend and ability to sync servers; there is a lot of low-hanging fruit in the clients, though
@k4r4b3y TBH I stopped paying attention to SSB about 2 years ago, and even when I was active I just used the web interface (and sometimes the CLI for pub management)
@k4r4b3y @rafael_xmr Just poking in to say I also love SSB’s totally decentralized design. It’s what I would choose for maximum censorship resistance.
That said, the world has basically chosen Federated architectures rather than fully decentralized ones: Matrix, Mastodon, etc.
An important requirement for a social network… is people
@freedomtools Finally? Like, what took them so long?
Except the need for private transactions is never going away. And there is no better solution anywhere on the horizon.
It’s like a scare campaign against closing the bathroom stall door. GLWT.
@magicbeergut @hetzlemmingsworld Minimum 50 years, possibly never. If you believe the director of the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter.
@beeng IANAL, but I’m pretty sure that “enabling the use of privacy coins” has not been the charge in any US case.
“Money Laundering” is the charge.
And this is why WE NEED DEXES, and why I do what I can to support my preferred project (Haveno)
@mister_monster @fullmetalScience Consider standing up a Haveno test node!
@n3m37h @GregorTacTac number of transactions is largely unrelated to number of miners
@prancing389 @SummerBreeze Abandoned in favor of more private/resilient options by privacy fetishists like many of us in the #monero community. True.
But … !
a) You’d be amazed how amazingly poor OpSec people have generally, and criminals in particular. A shocking number of *public* social media posts including the accused and the corpus delicti come up in court documents.
b) Signal is easier for my Mom than Matrix.
Making more privacy the default in more apps is an unmitigated Good Thing.
@tusker @WarmApplePieShrek There is no crypto that is a threat to Fiat.
Monero is a direct threat to *surveillance*
@stealths I think Monero is the best available Internet Currency.
Speculating on currency is way, way outside my specialization and is not of personal interest.
As a software engineer, designing and deploying a currency that is conformant with the design principles of the Internet… is exactly my specialization and interest.
@pound_heap @key_brolin Many of my favorite Patreon creators have XMR tip jars. Shoutout to Yannic Kilcher, who breaks down AI papers so us STEM-educated non-experts can keep up. Super awesome.