drowned Phoenician

Greetings from Madame Sosostris.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • The atmosphere really sounds amazing. I’ve never been to Ireland, but if get the opertinity it would be cool to walk through the city on Bloomsday.

    I read Ulysses once and not even scratched the surface, but the geography sounds like a interesting topic to dive into. A companion book could be useful, but I guess it would also take a lot more time to get through the read.

    If the quotation marks are a stylistic choice than so be it. Makes it harder to read though. The last chapter is missing any kind of punctuation as far as I know, so that has to be a wild ride

  • Duckduckgo. I stpped using google for the privacy stuff but I stayed because of the language switch.

    I don’t know if I tweaked a setting to achieve it, but I have a language switch below the search bar. Google always showed me german results when searching for something english and the other wy around, so I love this feature. Search results are good enough for me, so duckduckgo it is.

  • I guess most non-technical people are always fighting their computer. It is really hard to watch my grandma do anything on any device, but she’s managing windows pretty well compared to her android phone (with accessibility settings), because she has used it the longest. Even the tech-savvy Windows users are probably used to some windows quirks and work around them, just like GNU/Linux users open a terminal as a reflex. And if anything is different, it will always feel like fighting your OS. I think the problem is the change, not the OS