Deutsche Bahn is city-ferries in Copenhagen.
Deutsche Bahn is city-ferries in Copenhagen.
On top of that: any FPV drones that were either not fooled or fooled and attack are just bouncing off on contact.
I can open the post, but scrolling is not very smooth - it might be a memory issue given the size of the images?
Tank you for träwelling viz Deutsche Bahn…
It started with a popular mastodon posts on how to block openai crawlers I think, and I’d like to know whether people are actually implementing it.
Private project, not really security related: Crawling robots.txts to gather some statistics on which bots people are most often excluding - weirdly I couldn’t find any recent/regularly updated stats on this.
Afaik Czechia identified 800k shells available on the world market (a lot from Turkey) and they are looking for partners to buy them for Ukraine.
I think this is a good idea and wish you all the best.
Moderation will be key of course, but the rules ( http://diagonlemmy.social/post/108 ) sound good.
At the same time, if somebody doesn’t even want to think about HP, they can easily block the entire instance, no harm no foul.
Pretty sure it’s lemmy.world that’s having problems: https://lemmy-world.statuspage.io/
When checking your profile the images you posted in lemmy.world communities won’t load for me either, while other images load just fine.
Awesome, I didn’t know that either! TIL
Don’t mind me, just testing ^^
Edit: true, should probably be changed.
Thanks for recommending it, it does look really nice. I’ll definitely check it out when a fitting project comes along.
Just in case you or another reader isn’t aware: Eternity is available in an alternative app repository that can be added to F-Droid in the settings.
This repo, as stated in the description, takes released built by the developers instead of building them directly.
Still looking forward to the official F-Droid release of course :)
Nice, I didn’t know you this, thank you! I was always refreshing to get back to the top.
Had to scroll down again to write this comment. :D
Especially for game developers game-jams are a great way to prevent scope creep and actually push towards a deliverable at the end of the timeframe.
And by signing up in advance you have something to hold yourself accountable with.
That being said, as a game dev, or developer in general, you need to be pretty frustration resistant. Even as a senior dev you still have these situations. Most often it’s the dev that’s wrong, not the computer (or third party library/framework/engine).
I’d also advise against using chatgpt and instead go for some basic coding Tutorials first.
I’m actually not that into actual self-hosting (it feels too close to my day job). But i love the idea of it, and actually do host my own RSS Reader: It’s selfoss (PHP + SQLite, so, very simple) and i have been using ever since google reader shut down. It runs on my uberspace.de instance.
People are downvoting you, because while the Holocaust wasn’t the first nor last genocide, it still is unique. Your initial statement makes two claims, but you only refer to the one less controversial one in your “curious edit”.