How did you deal with the infestation?
Very cute. This year, I’ve seen a snake in my garden a couple times too, sleeping between the plants. I love it
I love this idea! I hope you enjoy and find new favorites. I recognized a many songs on this Bo Diddley album; Bring it to Jerome must be in dozens of movies, it’s a classic
My watercolor teacher encouraged us to not let our drawing/sketching abilities get in the way of painting. He gave us graphite paper which can be used to trace. I use that piece of graphite paper more often than not. Sometimes I’m in the mood to sketch something out but mostly I just want to get to painting right away, without sketching and erasing an image a thousand times until I’m happy with it
I like taking classes to learn new hobbies. I took a woodworking class last year and made a bench and coffee table. This year I took a watercolor class. Didn’t keep up with the woodworking because I don’t have a shop, but I’ve been watercoloring a TON since the class ended and I just love it. There’s lots of free lessons for all levels on YouTube
I’ve never heard of belly freeze
Rosamund Pike has a phenomenal performance in this music video
I’m struggling with this as well, for many of these communities. I’m on the garden, so something here???) Should bring me to these communities, but most of them I cannot find. What am I doing wrong? I can go to these pages and see content but I’m not going through the garden and not logged in, so I haven’t been able to subscribe to a lot of things I’m interested in. Halp
I most often use the parsley from my herb garden. It’s in so many recipes that I make! Also love rosemary. My rosemary has died each winter so I replant every year
Seriously… I couldn’t even finish reading that paragraph
Wow! Thank you for sharing that. I’m definitely taking notes for next year