Yes, stablediffusion
Yes, stablediffusion
I personally would not take it out, “unused” RAM will be used by the OS as e.g. disk cache, or you could have a fairly large ramdisk.
I agree that having some glyphs in color can be bad, for example when you are typesetting a formula in TeX that contains emoji, the color looks just unprofessional. As a solution, let me introduce you to the Noto Emoji font: https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Emoji
I think a tag system as suggested by others makes the most sense, as NSFW and NSFL aren’t mutually exclusive.
I don’t really have a single favorite a language, if I am able to choose freely it depends on the task.
I exclusively use podman instead of docker at work and at home and haven’t encountered any unsolvable problems.
I genuinely don’t know if scratch is the right choice or a simple text based language would be better, especially for the older kids. Just from my personal experience, I started programming in BASIC at 12 and don’t think I would have had as much fun and continued programming if i had used scratch instead.
Thanks, i hadn’t heard oft Factor before, it looks interesting. I’m more of a LISP and FP Person but always wanted to properly learn a stack based language, Factor seems like a nice alternative to Forth for that purpose.
I find that S-expressions are the best syntax for programming languages. And in general infix operators are inferior to either prefix or postfix notation.
I recently spent some time optimizing a small Julia program I wrote that generates a lookup table of brainfuck constants. Because it only needs to run once, I originally didn’t care about performance when I originally wrote it (and the optimization was mostly for fun).
I achieved an ~100x improvement by adding types, using static arrays and memoization. In the end, the performance was mostly limited by primitive math operations, I tried using multiple threads, but any synchronization destroyed the performance.
However, the most impressive thing was the ability of Julia to scale from dynamically typed scripting language to almost a compiled language with minimal changes to the code.